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  1. K

    Fanfic Request/Ideas, Recommendation & Showcase

    Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase Nice idea. Here are a few recs from me. I have more, but I'm pressed for time. This is kind of a mixed bag to start off with. Title Tomorrow Author: DarkDreamer56 Rating: T Pairing: N/S friendship, GregSara friendship Spoilers: season finale...
  2. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Can't Watch Very well put indeed. Even in season two during "Primum non Nocere" he metiones not having luck in the ladies department for a long time, even asks Warrick is he can take a shot at Lillie, of course Rick vetoes that right away. Warrick atleast mentions ladies names, or hints...
  3. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Can't Watch Last year it was October..very strange as most tv series come out BEFORE the next season, but I thikn CSI is one of the few shows that still does well in repeats in the ratings. I'd love a booper reel. I read they just finihed doing the commentray on "4x4", so I hope they pick...
  4. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Can't Watch Looks around trying to count how many times I have watched Grave Danger. I have watched the whole thing 4 times. So here is what I do for a "quick" view. I always watch the beginning with Nick in his truck, singing. It is a great set up. Till he gets nabbed, well then..sigh. I...
  5. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: staying calm underground I watched in muted shock...with a pilow and a stiff drink. As far as sleeping..I don't think there would be anyway that Nick or anyone in that situation would be able to sleep. Not that easy when you know there is little to no chance that some one might find...
  6. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: what nick said that was muted I've seen people metion that Nick was inside the box 12 hours, or give or take 12 hours. Well, I'm curious..anyone know how long? I mean it was 12 hours when Gill dropped off the ransom and that was during the day...we still have them processing the warehouse...
  7. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: what nick said that was muted Intresting thing I noticed. I went on some of fan run QT sites to gather some fans' of his reactions. Pretty cool stuff. Of the QT fans who watch CSI, of course most loved it. Thougt the mesh was done perfectly, mostly alongside our comments. A few thought...
  8. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** I have to disagree :-) QT did a wonderful job of balaceing his touch on this. If it were too much his style..then it would not be CSI. However more to how he effected it. The concept of the story is pure QT. The storyline...
  9. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** Yeah, I surprised no one else mentioned how terrible it was to see him bring that gun under his chin. His breathing got harsher, he DIDN"T want to, you could tell. But how much did he all ready endure and with the fan...
  10. K

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** Amazing...thats all I can think about after two viewings. After such hype people will find SOMETHING to complain about...however all the motions, the detaisls, an actual ending...I'm floored. thank you QT..Thank you cast...
  11. K

    'CSI' Season Finale Revealed

    All I can say is WOW! I read the spoilers on another site, but now that its confrimed, I'm still shocked. Poor Nick, must have a target on his chest. Poor dear is going to go through a lot of therapy after this one as I've mentioned before. I think however the promise of a "cliffhanger" ending...
  12. K

    'CSI' To End Season With A Massive Cliffhanger

    I have to agree. Its more likely Sophia or Sara. I love the whole cast, but I's hoped they give more screen time to someone other than Sara...oh well. I'd like to see more Warrick..but if he gets involved with Cath..well thats his moment in the sun. I thought for amoment it would be...