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  1. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    I had myself a little smirnoff and cranberry - yummmmmmm Ooh...... formalities........ why did they not make him stop in that tux for the whole episode?!! Swoooooon.......:drool: We had Mea Culpa on the tele last night....sigh... perfect beardage on that..... very strokeable :p. I'm the same...
  2. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    Ash sounds as if she's as bad as BF with long gone - she's TERRIBLE! Britters gets into a right state when she watches it - she goes on and on and on about it :lol::lol::lol: Not that I don't get into a similar state watching manhunter / TLADILA / gunshy / deadly currents.;) As IF!!! :D And...
  3. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    He's definately developed his acting skills throughout his career. The thing I love about manhunter and tladila is that in that period of his career, it was all about his emotions, his passion and guts rather than his 'craft'. It's why doing Manhunter completely screwed up his mind. Cos he was...
  4. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    :brickwall:I agree. Dull, dull dull. Oh, and dull. And boring. No fun in the title whatsoever. The other people on other threads obivously have a bit of fun on their threads. This title suggests we don't. Like BF said, where's the mention of his sexiness? I want to talk about his gorgeous...
  5. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I totally agree. Manhunter has an ace storyline. A bit different from the book though (which is also excellent). I've seen the Red Dragon film, which admittedly is true to the book, but it's rubbish. Edward Norton ain't a patch on Billy as Will Graham either. He's a bit too... meh, and a bit...
  6. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    Manhunter Billy..........:drool::drool::drool::drool: Good LORD!!!! It's definately his intensity that notches the whole film up to hot hot hot!!!! (in addition to other 'things'....ahem:rolleyes:). He's so brooding and focused. I love it when he's brooding in films. He does it so well, the...
  7. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    yeah you definately need to go twice!!! Start saving now! :lol: Its true, you take in the play more and you should try and get in as much live Billy as you can on your trip! ;) The play itself looks like it'll be a very different experience. He'll be ace in it. I can just see him pouring over...
  8. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I really dunno what to do. I mean, it'll cost us around $1000 each just to get there with accomodation. I was thinking we'd be better picking and choosing. BUT, I wanna see Billy again!!! :(:(:( HELP!!!!
  9. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    Billys the kind of guy that if he does have a big long beard - he'll still, wierdly, look absolutely gorgeous! :bolian: Found this NEW interview on youtube about the Chicago olympics bid (filmed in the biograph, no less)........... Is it just me...
  10. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    You've read it dude - its the one by Liz. The really excellent, insightful one that was posted a few weeks ago. She's a right boff!!! :lol: I dunno why I was nervous - everyone elses was so good - just wanted to do it right i suppose! :)
  11. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    yep - my review is up! it took me ages! I thought I best focus on the Billy meeting seeing as though BF did such an ace job with the theatre review earlier on :bolian: LOVIN that new picture of him for Endgame. He looks very eccentric and very cool on it. He's really in 'theatre mode' now...
  12. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    whoah whoah whoah! I'm sorry, but my bow-legged title is not disrespectful in the slightest! I really really really resent that. Like CSIz_4_H said, those bow-legs of his make him unique and look adorable. They are part of his charm and sexiness. He wouldn't be Billy without them! It doesn't...
  13. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    awwww..... yeah thats true.....overload of cuteness!! :lol: I can't wait for him to try his hand and Endgame too. Even though I prob won't be going :(, I'm very interested as to how he'll approach it. thats the good thing about him, he likes a bit of variation doesn't he? :thumbsup:
  14. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I'm glad everyone likes the bow legs one - cos lets face it, he wouldn't be the same without them! I was also thinking that maybe we could use William / Gilbert rather than Grissom. I love that his name is Gilbert - makes him even cuter!!:) What does eveyone think?
  15. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    Hee hee hee!! they're ace! i'm thinking it should just be William Petersen in the title. I'm trying my best to keep it clean here too...... *smirk* what about........ William Petersen: Bow legs are sexy :lol::lol::lol:
  16. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    oooooh good episode. Excellent beardy action there. i don't thank that epi will make you come up with 'suitable' ideas though dude! :D
  17. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I just wanna put on the thread that it wasn't Destinys post that made me put post that earlier. It was another one. I completely understand that she is just trying to sort this all out. What I do object is that certain people are bullying and using the mod to try and stop us discussing non-csi...
  18. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I've just been reading what was posted at the bottom of the last page... For gods sake!!! I am sick of being told what i can and can't talk about on this thread. I saw Billy in. the. flesh. God forbid i'd be excited about it or on a high about it or want to discuss it. I'm tired of not being...
  19. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I know! i can't believe its nearly finished! :( I want to go and see him again!! i'm really still having Billy withdrawal symptoms! :(:(
  20. poppylvsgriss

    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    Indeed. I don't think i'll believe anything about him going back for a one off or a csi movie until I see it in black and white that these things are definateyl going to happen. Plans can change after all. :)