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  1. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Lessien_Tinuviel, you can post the picture.
  2. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Bad Beat?
  3. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    The Deep?
  4. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

  5. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    I loved the opening. It was different than what we've had before. Mo's questions: 1) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving? I liked when they went to Cozy's, not a date, but as close as we've gotten, yet. 2) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than...
  6. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    ^^To get a picture I think you have to have 100 posts. For the warmth question, I like the cuddling by the fire. If I don't post before the next thread, this was a great thread. I can't wait to see what you come up with Liffy.
  7. HillHarperHOT

    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    Hi. I am new to this thread, but I have loved Eric and Natalia for a long time. I can't wait for tonight's episode even though that other guy is in it. Happy Birthday mjszud!
  8. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Can You Hear Me Now?
  9. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    ^^ I agree. I want something a little more. I enjoyed the condom spray seen, but I need more confirmation. Not necessarily something that takes over the episode, but maybe them coming to a scene from a date or something. Hi everybody. I'm back. Congratulation to JenP and Rad! Don't we need to...
  10. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    No problem hon. I think they just didn't know the abbreviation.
  11. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Hey guys, I am not JenP, but I will answer for her. DIY means Do it Yourself. I think Lindsay is probably a DIY'er because she strikes me as a Daddy's girl and that is the way I am. I cannot wait for the premier, maybe I'll even post more. JenHHH :)
  12. HillHarperHOT

    CaRWash- Thanks babe, you're fantastic!

    I don't usually read Miami fics, but this one was great. I even enjoyed all of the ships you had. I think you should do the sequel. I'll read it.
  13. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Sorry I didn't know, but kiwifan, you can take my turn. I don't know how to post pictures.
  14. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Cold Reveal?
  15. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Run Silent Run Deep?
  16. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    I think Danny's apartment would be clean because he is never there. I don't think they will move in together this season because they want to make the shippers happy, plus everyone else, so that may be moving a bit to fast. I do think that they will spend most of their time in the same...
  17. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    I think they were going out and stuff just not officially, although I agree with Stuffy that could not have been the first time they kissed. She was too sure of what was going to happen. I guess my scenario would fit the dating with just kissing category. OT - Can Hawkes come visit...
  18. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Mo asked: I think Danny would be the one to bring it up because Lindsay would be hinting at it, but not come out and say it. Hope you feel better soon, Mo. Everybody is getting sick, ya'll have to stay away from me because I need to make sure the kids go to school everyday. I had enough of...
  19. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Aud, your opening was great. I love all of the pictures. I can't wait for the season to start. Sorry I don't know how to post pictures, so I have no gifts. But I can pass out M&M's since they stay stocked in my house. JenHHH
  20. HillHarperHOT

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Thanks. Problem, I don't know how to post pictures, so Miss Undercover, you can take my turn. JenHHH