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  1. D

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    You know, I was hoping someone would say something like that in the episode, and I'm not surprised that it was Brass who did. :) Anyway... I wasn't very impressed with the episode. Yeah, I have to wait until September to find out what's going to happen next, but for a season finale, it was a...
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    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    "Grave Danger" back in 2005.
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    Gary Dourdan & Eric Szmanda CMA awards

    Yeah, it looks like he cut it. Looks pretty good.
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Well, the "Law & Order" series are also procedurals, but they have won some Emmys, most recently Mariska Hargitay last year for "SVU."
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    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    I'm sure someone already mentioned this, but if that hasn't happened, the figure in the case is supposed to be Sara. If you notice, there is a CSI vest that the figure is wearing. As for the car, I'm guessing that would be Natalie's, and it looks like it's running over Sara or something...
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    I saw the movie several hours ago. I thought the movie was actually really good for a thriller/drama. It wasn't very "on the edge of your seat," but it still made for a good movie. It definitely made you think. Now about Gary's part.... He actually made good with a very small part, and I like...
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Oh, how nice! I can't wait for the video! (By the way, sweets, the interviewer's name is Giuliana DePandi. :))
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just want to wish George a very Happy belated Birthday! Both he and Gary make 40 look amazing! :)
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    The man's gonna be 40 on Thursday. I say he's looking good! :)
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    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    I know! *lol* I cracked up at that one! :) I dunno... I do think this episode could have been better, but it was really creepy at the same time. The crabs, the end scene where we she the basketball player and the teacher lying in bed... that was interesting.
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    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    Now, I'm not completely new to this, but I rather enjoy it myself. Yes, "Grave Danger" was a great example of this -- the friendship between them could look like it could lead to more. I remember in the ambulance, when Warrick was holding Nick's hand. And in the scene before that, when the team...
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    "Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

    You do have a point. I wonder why she or anyone else didn't? Undersheriff or no, someone should have been able to pass by the DA's office and ask about it. Maybe they thought the US knew what he was doing.
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    "Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Oh, know that about this episode. I just meant the references to ones before.
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    *lol* I love the fact that George has his hand on her stomach, as if they're expecting a love child or something...
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    "Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

    It's kind of weird, though... A lot of people here are saying that Catherine broke laws and did this-and-that, and you have to remember that, even if it is just a show and not all these tactics are necessarily what real cops or CSI would have used, there are people in law enforcement who have...
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    "Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Well, from the way I see it, as bad as Catherine might have messed up, I don't think she was trying to reward herself. Not only that, I don't think she was trying to be completely dismissive of Nick's or anyone else's feelings. I think a) she wants the business to be taken care of first and then...
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    "Sweet Jane" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Yeah, well, even if he had a small part in this episode, he was really good. Maybe it will steer attention from the scene in "Deliverance" that, unfortunately, he's known for. I know he's done other stuff, but a lot of people go back to that one scene in the movie.
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    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Thank you so much! :)
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    *fans herself* Oooohhhh.... What a gorgeous man! :eek: There aren't enough posts about Gary Dourdan here, which is such a shame. He's beautiful and very talented.
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    "Sweet Jane" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Hi, I already introduced myself on another thread, but I have a question: When you say that Keppler has no emotions, do you mean that he is a professional, or that he's just very cold? Maybe, if the latter is the case, he may have a reason to be. After all, he's just shown up and nobody knows...