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  1. S

    "Last Supper" Discussion **SPOILERS*

    I do not put George on a pedestal and think he can do no wrong. Never have and have never put Nick on one either. :rolleyes: Supporting George for standing up for his character is not putting him on a pedestal or thinking he can do wrong. :rolleyes: Or would you not support Eric if it was...
  2. S

    "Last Supper" Discussion **SPOILERS*

    AMEN, Smokey! and what's funny? If it was Eric going through this, instead of George, his fans would be the same way and feel the same way about the show or should I say, the out of tune show-runner and the writers. Personally, all the veteran cast should stand up for their characters, then...
  3. S

    "Last Supper" Discussion **SPOILERS*

    Seems to me if the writers knew how to write for the veteran cast than George wouldn't feel the need to stand up and fight for his character. Oh and some of know it was the argument with the writer that got him put on leave it was an argument with CM. My guess is she couldn't handle the...
  4. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    My guess is, it's the episode where Greg is accused of misconduct.
  5. S

    "Last Supper" Discussion **SPOILERS*

    OMG, this show has really gotten out of hand and has turned into a soap opera. Man, as I much as I hate GSR, at least it was handled a little better than this is. :rolleyes: I'm glad that George didn't have to endure this episode :rolleyes: and since the tptb put him on leave I didn't have to...
  6. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Vassey was let go from the show. It wasn't her choice, so she won't be coming back. As for the new lab tech, the writers :rolleyes: ( don't get me started on them), said they were filming episodes 6, 7 & 8 at the same time and they needed another lab tech. And that it worked well because this...
  7. S

    'CSI' First Look: 'Frame By Frame'

    Sickening that George will not be part of it. :rolleyes: And Catherin had short hair then, not long hair. Could have at least wore a wig.
  8. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Another CSI accused of murder. :rolleyes: I mean, really? Maybe instead of suspending George they should have listened to him...and to us. These writers need to go. :rolleyes:
  9. S

    "Torch Song" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Yup, reminded me of the The E2 Nightclub Stampede Though this happened because a security guard was an idiot and used pepper spray to break up a fight within the club. :rolleyes: This was shortly before that club fire in RI. And yes, this begins my 5 episode vacation from CSI, as well.
  10. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Oh yeah, George/Nick was awesome last night. I liked the scene at the end and was kinda shocked that scene happened. :shifty: It was nice to see Nick teach a 'veteran' CSI like Finlay and showing up the fireman. ;)
  11. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Well, with Nick gone for the next 5 episodes and me being pissed that tptb and writers rolled him under the bus...I won't have to watch that soap opera crap. :rolleyes:
  12. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    And that's because they're not a 'family' anymore. The guys yes, because the labrats have been there forever. There is no more team bonding scenes anymore. So there is no cohesiveness.
  13. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I'm sure he is. I wouldn't doubt he wanted out and they won't let him out of his contract. Now how long will be there this season. Will he finish out the season or even give him a proper goodbye (won't hold my breath on that one).
  14. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    So yet ANOTHER CSI is accused of murder. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Holy crap! Can these writers NOT come up with anything original? At least the guys trip was funny.
  15. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I'm with Susan, I'll believe it when I see it and I don't trust tptb anymore. They have never followed through with anything where Nick is concerned. Thanks to Shane for letting us know :) (and I know we can believe him), but I think they'll continue to screw George over. Why would the writers...
  16. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    It sucks, though. We just waited through summer hiatus to get new Nick, only get THREE episodes with him and then have to wait another 'summer' hiatus to get him back. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Just pisses me off so much, especially when he is telling the truth and CM needs to realize...
  17. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    She was one of the original cast members on ER. First two or three seasons. She was also on NYPD Blue
  18. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Yeah, I know, but it's not confirmed. I'll believe it when I see it. :)
  19. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    He quit, that's how we know he wants out, but they put him on leave instead. George was great last night, of course! :) I loved the scene between him and Brass, too. I so wanted Nick to say, 'hey, let's go get a beer and you can vent'. :)