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  1. S

    Episode ID

    Since it was October, my guess is it hasn't aired yet. Probably coming up, though
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    And I say that a few of these are George, as well. ;) So he says he wants to see Nick's older sister. :D Which one? He has FIVE of them and one older brother. Would be fun to see all of them visit Vegas and come to the lab to 'tease' their little brother. :lol: We all know how well George...
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    "Keep Calm and Carry-On" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I agree. Great episode. Felt like old school CSI. The 'bantering' between Nick and Sara. The writers actually got how they've always been with each other. :) I loved all the scenes mentioned here. George tweeted that te scene between him and Sara was ad-libbed a lot. Shows how working...
  4. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    And I don't believe them. I'm sure they had to say that. They've lied before. This will be George's last season. I don't see him renewing his contract after what happened and he wants out. Or they will not ask him back.
  5. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I know :D I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!!
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    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Amen! Just want to make sure I have this straight: 6 CSIs (Nick, Greg, Sara, DB, Finlay, Morgan) 2 Labrats that process scenes :rolleyes: 1 Detective (who isn't allowed to even do his job) 1 Dayshift guy to help them 1 Crime an episode Really? :wtf::rolleyes: Yeah, this Matt...
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    @GeorgeEadsTV was not fake, but @GeorgeEadsTV_ is The fake one has an underscore at the end and is NOT verified. George's real account was verified. You'd see a blue/white check mark.
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    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Just in case you wanted to know why 2 stories are not done per episode, the writers tweeted this: How the other writers managed to for 10 seasons or so is beyond me. :rolleyes:
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    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Don't get much anymore, do we? :shifty:
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    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    CSI writers say he'll appear in more than one episode. Either priming him to be George's replacement or yet another :rolleyes: love interest for Morgan. :rolleyes: Matt Davis
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    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    That's cool! Glad they have another episode centered around him. He deserves it! :)
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    After everything that happened, I don't think George would do he live tweeting. Unless contractually they force him to. Then again he may do just for the fans.
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    "Frame By Frame" *300th Episode* DISCUSSION **Spoilers**

    It just goes to prove my point, that what they say what is going to happen to Nick or planned for Nick or whatever, never happens. Just like last season when his quitting was going to be addressed throughout the season. Never happened and then at the 2nd half mark said they didn't have time...
  14. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I tweeted to the writers (getting sick of their jovial posts :rolleyes:) that I don't care what happened, George should be in the 300th episode (it is a landmark episode and feat that is rare in TV). It is just shameful that he isn't. It's like they don't consider him or never considered him...
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    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Exactly! And I agree that Robert, David and Eric are very much an integral part of CSI. And I'm glad to see that Eric will be on The Talk. That Jorja and him are there to represent the 'veterans'. Yes, I wish George was there and Paul. Would be nice to actually have a discussion...
  16. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    George was put on leave by CM and CBS, he did not take this leave. He was not allowed to be part of the 300th episode. If he was the one who took the leave, he wouldn't have missed this episode to upset the fans. And I know why they would never do to Billy what they did to George, Billy was...
  17. S

    "Last Supper" Discussion **SPOILERS*

    Nick will not appear in any episodes until episode 9. George was put on leave from the show.
  18. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I loved that Sam is there, too. I'm still hoping we'll see him this season, but I doubt Nick will get any story lines/episodes so probably not. :( But I'm still hoping. :) I love Sam. Of course, I'm a dog lover who had a German Shepherd (I so miss my Rogen :( ), so I might be biased. ;) And...
  19. S

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    This is just so wrong. George and Paul, the last two original cast members, that never left, and they're not even involved. The fact tptb have punished George by not allowing him to do anything 300th related are also punishing fans of the show. CM and Moonves made a big mistake...
  20. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Now that would be nice. :)