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  1. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Well, they were shooting episode 10 last week, so I don't think he will be in that episode.
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    Quiz Thread #5

    Typing challenge - 41/52 Fictional logos - 14/24 - Fractured Amusement Park Attractions - 10/10
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    "Brain Doe" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

    Yes, but tptb have given us that Sara and Griss do live together and he travels. And yeah, it could work, but they usually don't. I'm all for them being together. :)
  4. S

    "Brain Doe" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

    So this job is in DC. Guess we know that will be the end of Catherine and Vartann.
  5. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    It is awesome and you know George will never take those dog tags off. How sweet that his dad sent him one. What a special thing to do. :adore:
  6. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Wonder if our guy is back on the set? Since they're on the last day of epi 10, probably not. Don't think he'll be in that episode. Will he be back tomorrow to film Marg's last episodes? I hope so, but more importantly, I hope he's doing okay. :(
  7. S

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #16

    And no one has posted Eric's video? :shifty:
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    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread #2

    ‘Smokin’ Joe Frazier loses his battle against liver cancer By Steve Cofield Mon Nov 07 11:16pm EST Joe Frazier, one of the biggest sports icons of the 1960s and 70s, passed away tonight from liver cancer at the age of 67. He was diagnosed less than six weeks ago and spent his final days in...
  9. S

    Who should step in for Marg? *Possible Spoilers*

    Sorry, I don't see any chemistry with her and the others. I was glad when she went. The same when she was on NCIS: LA. No chemistry whatsoever. And you won't change my mind. :p ;)
  10. S

    Who should step in for Marg? *Possible Spoilers*

    Well if George wasn't made male lead, then Jorja shouldn't be made female lead. Especially after she the left the show. Please please please, do not bring Louise Lombard back. Sorry, but I can't stand her or Sofia. There was no chemistry with her and the cast. I could deal with Wendy...
  11. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Yeah, I agree. We need another case that just Cath and Nick work on. Especially when she makes Nick blush. :lol: After all, he's one of her 'boys'. ;)
  12. S

    Season 12 Spoiler Pic Thread

    No one. I should say none of the cast. Here's the pic
  13. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Yes you do. :) So Sharp posted a video of Marg in the spoiler thread. One of the ask the CBS star ones. She talkes about Nick and George at the end. No spoilers, but it was sweet. Now when is George going to one of those? :shifty:
  14. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    I love that it's 'Breaking News' :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: When I was pulled over it was for going 80. :lol: Hence, the girls give me my nickname. :shifty::shifty:
  15. S

    Quiz Thread #5

    Faces On Time -80s: 32/45 Recognizing, but not remember names counts, doesn't it? :shifty: The Road Game: 18/30 Plus an extra one. ;) Condensed Movies: 29/48
  16. S

    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread #2

    'Willy Wonka' actor Leonard Stone dies at 87 Nov. 3, 2011, 6:29 PM EST Actor Leonard Stone has died at the age of 87. He passed away on Wednesday after a long battle with cancer, according to TMZ and People. Stone is perhaps best known for his role as Violet Beauregarde's father in...
  17. S

    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 3

    Hmmm, interesting Russell, while not entirely perfect, is starting to fill in the CSI supervisor shoes quite well. He was pretty spot-on in his suspect interrogations this week, and his balance of suave and sophistication is working for me. It will be interesting to see him alongside Grissom...
  18. S

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

    Chrome is great for Photobucket. I couldn't believe how fast it goes between pages. I've stopped useing FF altogether. It wasn't working right and nothing I did would fix it.
  19. S

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    I saw that last night, but didn't think we could post it. George's dad was a really great man. I really like this: as well as appointment by President Ronald Reagan to the President's Child Safety Partnership in Washington, D.C., in 1986. What an honor.
  20. S

    "Freaks & Geeks" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Okay, I am not saying what I thought was elephantized when the guy first showed the young guy. ;)