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    I remember going to a Backstreet Boys concert amd NSYNC concert when i was younger. I am ashamed now.
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    Things I learned on CSI..........

    (one of them is something like this) Its amazing the things that come out of somebodys head.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I thought I would post 2 my pics from the mall tour that I took. Stacey and Lauren Another one
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    Eyes in the wrong places.

    Yeah he is. Its this guy.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    She is really pretty. So is Paige. (I met Lauren Collins and Stacey Farber at the mall tour).
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    Im going to The Killers concert this month!
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Welcome! *waves to csisaranickfan* My fav character on Degrassi is Emma.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I didnt notice that... Same with me about Spinner. I didnt think he was THAT cute earlier but as I mentioned earlier I love the hair.
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    What are you reading?

    Of course one of the CSI books. Double Dealer by Max Allen Collins.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    How bout we all go hug Marco now that hes broken up with Dylan? LOL
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    The Simpsons

    Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS??? I used to have the theme song as my ringtone but now its degrassi.
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Ive seen that icon! Pretty much all the guys on Degrassi (cept rick like ya said) are hott! I think Spinner looks way hotter with the new (not really new) haircut... *drools* I was watching s1 dvds earlier, the episode Friday Night where Emma and Sean go out... (Im a Semma shipper) Sean is sooo...
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    *points to crime scene* (aka my room)
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    The Simpsons

    Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS??? I do! I have season 1-4 on dvd. That used to be my obsession. But you know what it is now....LOL
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    Marco is sooooo hott!
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    Helpful Information (Site builders, Image Hosting, etc)

    Re: Helpful Information Thanks guys!
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    ineverysunflower, I know they didnt. I live in the USA also... It made a lot of people mad.
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    Sandle Songs

    FoxRox, LOL.. That would be funny! But I guess we can hope.... I love this song for some reason. One of my friends got creeped out by the title of it when she was listening to my iPod but then she thought it was really cool..