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  1. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    I guess I'll have to rewatch Iceman on Inner tube. It would appear I missed quite a bit. :(
  2. Gaseous Anomaly

    Recent Purchases #2

    I bought a new charcoal BBQ pit Saturday.
  3. Gaseous Anomaly

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    We have a chance of rain everyday for the next week.
  4. Gaseous Anomaly

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Currently 72°F and windy @ 17mph gusts to 22mph. I wanted to do some more yard work, just don't want to fight the wind.
  5. Gaseous Anomaly

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Welcome CSIfamily, enjoy the board.
  6. Gaseous Anomaly

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    It's 70°F and windy. Not a bad day at all.
  7. Gaseous Anomaly

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Nice pictures WillowsWannaBe.
  8. Gaseous Anomaly

    Which NCIS character are you?

    I got 56% Tony 42% Ziva 42% Gibbs, I'm so confused. :confused:
  9. Gaseous Anomaly

    Welcome to General TV & Media! Please introduce yourself!

    Re: Welcome to General TV & Media! Just joined last week. I'll be stopping in every once in a while. :)
  10. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Wow, how did I miss this thread last week when I joined? :confused: This is actually my most favorite show on TV right now.
  11. Gaseous Anomaly

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Great pics everyone. :)
  12. Gaseous Anomaly

    Recent Purchases #2

    I bought a new LED flashlight today for work. It appears to be brighter than my normal light.
  13. Gaseous Anomaly

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    I think the rain is done for in this part of Texas for a couple days. Now it looks like I need to cut the weeds and try and kill them!
  14. Gaseous Anomaly

    Songs that make you think of...

    School's Out by Alice Cooper always makes me think of summer.
  15. Gaseous Anomaly

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    Well I'm a guy and I think she's hot! :D
  16. Gaseous Anomaly

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    *continues chant* Marg is hot! Marg is hot!
  17. Gaseous Anomaly

    Your Ringtones?

    I'm currently using the Mexican Hat Dance for my ringtone. :eek:I hate it, but I can tell when it's my phone ringing.
  18. Gaseous Anomaly

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Finally getting some much needed rain here in Texas.
  19. Gaseous Anomaly

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! I just joined Friday and i have 11 posts now. I'm not sure if I'll get too many, I spend most of my free time at TrekBBS.