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  1. Gaseous Anomaly

    Valentine's Day

    Lets not even talk about what you get with your McD's hamburger at lunch time. :eek:
  2. Gaseous Anomaly


    I hope it stands a chance this go around. That is since everything else is in re-runs or reality TV mode. I didn't get to see much of it last year due to my schedule, but I'll be watching on Tuesday night to support it.
  3. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Yes, the next new episode is the 15th. It's titled "Tribes"
  4. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    No, it's was said to be two back in December.
  5. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    I'm currently watching NCIS on USA channel. Go Gibbs.
  6. Gaseous Anomaly

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 03 it's the right time of year for the picture. :) Edited to add: This is the only one to get my vote. Sorry. :(
  7. Gaseous Anomaly

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! This makes 98 posts for me. :)
  8. Gaseous Anomaly

    1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~ Winners Up!

    Re: 1st Talk CSI Christmas Challenge ~Voting Up!! 03 07 09 great work everyone.
  9. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    I was referring to bumping the thread. Now to steer this thread back on topic, I hope they are done with the kids and Gibbs themes. I think that particular story line has run its course. I hope they have more inter-action with Col. Mann.
  10. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    *tsk, tsk* Being a MOD you should know better than this! ;) As well as the other networks have done with their most popular shows. I guess it's to bring in the New Year with originals then off to reruns again. :(
  11. Gaseous Anomaly


    Welcome to all the noobies and I'm back to post some more.
  12. Gaseous Anomaly

    Photography Competition: Urban - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Urban Nice photos everyone. 5 6 7
  13. Gaseous Anomaly

    Contact Thread

    I'd like to direct everyones attention to this thread. It's worh the quick read. Here!
  14. Gaseous Anomaly

    What's Your Occupation?

    I just want to say I'm not going to post much about me here. Over at the TrekBBS we had a person who was registered with the BBS for two years and almost 4000 posts trying to get people from other sites to hack their photobucket accounts. :eek: Now givin this little piece of information are...
  15. Gaseous Anomaly

    The Poll Thread - #3

    It's Yahoo for me, but Google is my back-up.
  16. Gaseous Anomaly

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    Happy Birthday mimic and Serenity. And happy belated birthday to desertwind,RyanAddict, Stoky, Wojo and Top41!
  17. Gaseous Anomaly

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    The forecast calls for 70% chance of thunderstorms.
  18. Gaseous Anomaly

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! Kettle meet pot! :lol:
  19. Gaseous Anomaly

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! I've noticed I'm 19 posts away from being a witness.
  20. Gaseous Anomaly

    The Official Pets thread

    And I thought it was tough to care for our four cats. :eek: Yikes 6? My wife keeps looking at the want ads for free pets, I know she wants another cat. I just can't afford the time to take care of another cat. It seems that our four we have now keep me quite busy. :)