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  1. Gaseous Anomaly

    How many members of this site...

    There is a meet-up forum if you folks are intrested in trying to meet-up.
  2. Gaseous Anomaly

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    War - The Best Of War And More 1. Livin' In The Red 2. Low Rider 3. The Cisco Kid 4. Slippin' Into 5. Me And Baby Brother 6. Galaxy 7. Spill The Wine 8. All Day Music 9. Why Can't We Be Friends 10. Summer
  3. Gaseous Anomaly

    Pop with Cane Sugar/ other carbonated drinks

    I've been to Dublin, TX and when I drink Dr Pepper theirs is the one I choose. It helps that I live in Texas of course.
  4. Gaseous Anomaly

    The 30 and Over Club

    I'm still recovering from my last total hip replacement surgery. It was just 10 weeks ago today that I was under the knife. This is the best I've felt in a long time!
  5. Gaseous Anomaly

    The 30 and Over Club

    They are, :thumbsup: I'd say I'm a 1 for pain on a scale of 1-10 where as before I was a 20. I'm still on rehab from mt last surgery, two more weeks till I go back to work. :(
  6. Gaseous Anomaly

    The 30 and Over Club

    Guess I qualify too, I'm 43 and have had two total hip replacements.
  7. Gaseous Anomaly

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    ^Glad to hear that Cricket came thru the surgery alright. As for the kitten, you fed it so it will be back. It knows you're a good person and wants you to take it in. ;)
  8. Gaseous Anomaly

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    I filled the wife's car in San Benito, Tx for $3.35 a gallon. I hope the drop in prices continues before my next trip to Iowa in 2 weeks.
  9. Gaseous Anomaly

    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    I'm using this picture now.
  10. Gaseous Anomaly

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    Just filled up in Waco, Texas for $3.50 a gallon. Went 501 miles on that last tank and now I'm home. :)
  11. Gaseous Anomaly

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    Just filled up at $3.52 a gallon in Emporia, Kansas. Again I was happy to get by with paying less then $100. I was able to get 485 miles out of that last tank. :)
  12. Gaseous Anomaly

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    I filled the 26 gallon tank on my truck for $3.56 a gallon. It was nice getting out of a fill-up for less than a Ben Franklin. :) Oh, I'm currently in Iowa and getting ready to go to Texas. I shall post gas reports from the road.
  13. Gaseous Anomaly

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    Average gas prices here in Texas where I live $3.65 a gallon. I'm glad to see the prices dropping since I'll be going on a trip next week. I figure about 3000 miles round trip for me over the next 2 and half weeks. :(
  14. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    I finished watching season 3 on DVD today and started on season 4. I've also pre-ordered season 5 thru Amazon. I noticed USA is running a marathon of season 4 right now, almost started to watch then decided to just watch the DVDs with no commercials.:D
  15. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    I've been watching a season a week myself. I just finished season 2 last night and tonight I'll be opening season 3. This is where I became a regular viewer, I guess the first 2 seasons I was protesting the move of JAG to Fridays. Oh well, I'm hooked on NCIS now. :lol:
  16. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    This is true, my wife and I just started season 2 on DVD and we just saw that episode last night. It was Season 2 episode 5 "The Bone Yard". He told that to the MOB Boss whose son Gibbs and crew had just arrested.
  17. Gaseous Anomaly

    What kind of car do you have?

    I drive a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado LTZ Z71 fully loaded. Here's a picture of it just after I got home with it from the dealer.
  18. Gaseous Anomaly

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    QFT I didn't like him the first time he showed up. I hope he gets replaced in the first half of the season.
  19. Gaseous Anomaly

    Ever Recieved An Autographed Pic From A Celeb?

    I have an autographed card from Patrick Stewart of Star Trek the Next Generation. I've also drank beer with Danny Glover back in my Navy days. This was when he was doing research for the movie Flight Of The Intruder.