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  1. D

    Recent Purchases #2

    today (GRADUATION DAY! WHEEEE) i bought... - subway - smoothie (berry'licious to be exact) - vanilla coke - apple juice mmm... food and beverages....
  2. D

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc up: I JUST GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!! omg omg omg... up: i go to 'schoolies' tomorrow! yay! down: now i'm sad caus' im gonna miss it... down: me is very tired...
  3. D

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc up: getting an award at the annual awards ceremony at school for coming first in Maths A for the grade 12s. up: me and the rest of the grade 12's at my school go on a trip to dreamworld (theme park on the gold coast in QLD) tomorrow! down: i was at the...
  4. D

    Photo Competition: 'Fountains & Waterfalls' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: 'Fountains & Waterfalls' 5 11 7 my god that was hard! but number 5 reminds me of somewhere! i swear i've either been to that waterfall before or it was in an australian movie called 'napoleon' about a puppy! it's soooo pretty! and if not, then i'm just crazy...
  5. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    the HSC is done in every australian state other than QLD, which i think is ridiculous... but anyway... i cant beleive how crappy my sleep was last night...
  6. D

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc up: it's a saturday down: im really tired due to the fact that i had a bad nights sleep caus i kept waking up cold down: i woke up with a headache up/down: i have to go to a party tonight and, although it will be fun, i'm still gonna be so tired im not...
  7. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    heh, we dont do HSC up here in sunny QLD... we do QCS (queensland core skills test) which is another thing i cant beleive.... i cant beleive how different QLD has to be to the other australian states! no daylight savings... QCS tests instead of HSC's... i want daylight savings! *whines*
  8. D

    Least Corrupted Countries 2006

    ooo yeah, #9... i guess we're not too corrupt down here in the magical land of oz...
  9. D

    Weird Dreams

    i had a rather odd dream a few nights ago... i'm not entirely sure what it was about but i know it was weird and that it involved Frank N Furter from RHPS... i hate it when you vaguely remember dreams but you dont remember the details...
  10. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i cant beleive that in a week today i will have finished my high school education forever! i cant beleive how tired i am i cant beleive i ate all of those lollies... heh...
  11. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    its about 26c here at the moment, and it sunny and humid... bleargghhh.... it's gonna be airconditioning time very soon, me thinks... :(
  12. D

    Recent Purchases

    i just bought a whole heap of 'thank-you' presents for my teachers for the end of the year. i hope they all like them caus i spent like, a whole day shopping for them, and i HATE shopping!
  13. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    yay, nice and overcast today! i hate the sun... it actually rained last night! for more than an hour! i'm so amazed!
  14. D

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc up: i have today and tomorrow off! yay! down: my stupid dog woke me up at 7 this morning as she was barking her head off at something... for about half an hour... grrrrrrr....
  15. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i cant beleive that i have officially finished my grade 12 assessment! it seems so surreal... i feel like i should be studying but i have nothing left to study for... its so weird!
  16. D

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc Up: i have officially completed my year 12 assessment! nothing to do but relax now! up: i had a kick-arse day... just bumming round with my friend. down: i dont really want to leave school yet.. :( down: i have a violin lesson this afternoon... ewww...
  17. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    omg, i think we're about to finally get some rain! oh please dear god, LET IT RAIN!
  18. D

    Photography Competition: 'Autumn Colours' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: 'Autumn Colours' oo congratulations guys! wow, Lucy, that picture was amazing!
  19. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i cant beleive i only have 1 assignment and 2 tests left and then my high school education will be completed! *squee*
  20. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    lovely and sunny today... not too hot... bit windy... i have noooo idea what the temperature was though but i'd say mid 20's.