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  1. Sidle_fan

    Which CSI episode is your all time favourte?

    every episode is really great by itself, so i do understand if it´s a though choice, but you´re all naming great episodes. this is really fun reading. :cool:
  2. Sidle_fan

    'CSI' Says 'Goodbye And Hello'

    It´s still speculation about her leaving right? But no doubt it´ll be a great episode. Hope they don´t wait to long with airing it here in Sweden. we´re still in the final four of s 7. :(
  3. Sidle_fan

    Grissom and Sara wallpaper/collages

    Really awsome work Desertwind. Love those wallys. :D
  4. Sidle_fan

    Wallpaper Thread #6

    Really nice wallpapers everybody. they´re awsome. :)
  5. Sidle_fan

    Mac Gets A Pay Raise

    nice pay, would love to earn that kind of money. Good news, that means that he´ll stay with the show :)
  6. Sidle_fan

    Fans Support Fox

    It´s quite amazing what those who are a part of the campaigns are doing. Nice job. Hope that she does stay on the show, cus i don´t think it would be the same without her. After 7 years you know the characters and doesn´t wan´t em to go, cause you would really miss them. But it´s still up to...
  7. Sidle_fan

    Who is your fav cath/sara/sofie? Take the poll!!

    Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll I voted Sara, she´s definately the best of them. allthough they´re all cool.
  8. Sidle_fan

    Hottest CSI

    They´re all cool, i can´t narrow it down to one. But my two faves are Sara Sidle n Gil Grissom.:)
  9. Sidle_fan

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    hi, im from Sweden and i´m a huge CSI fan. And if you haven´t allready guessed it, my fave character is Sara.
  10. Sidle_fan

    Fox's Fate Is Confirmed

    your right Dynamo1, she has been with the show for 7-8 years that´s admirable. But she´ll probably show up for guest play sometimes, if she does leave the show.
  11. Sidle_fan

    Which CSI episode is your all time favourte?

    i´d have to sa Butterflied, so far at least.
  12. Sidle_fan

    Best Sara/Grissom song

    Delta goodrem - lost without you is a great song, but there are more than just a few other like "Iris" for example.
  13. Sidle_fan

    Fox's Fate Is Confirmed

    That´s her choice, but as said before "the fans will be sad", the show wouldn´t be the same without Jorja/Sara.
  14. Sidle_fan

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    Sara Grissom Catherine Greg There the characters that keeps the show running, so to speak.
  15. Sidle_fan

    Who would you want to save your life?

    Re: Who would you want to save you life? i guess i would want Sara, Grissom or Horatio. But if i had to choose only one it would be Sara.
  16. Sidle_fan

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    Sara Sidle, she´s just great.
  17. Sidle_fan

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    vegas, cause the forensic is best and all character rocks.
  18. Sidle_fan

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    Catherine 11 Nick 9 Greg 10