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  1. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    Who isn´t, but csirocks hasn´t declared the answear and it´s bin a while...right?
  2. Sidle_fan

    Cyber-lebrity song

    Ok how about "I got it from my momma"- Will I am? :D
  3. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    ok, guess that makes it my turn. "Don´t even ask,im not telling you"
  4. Sidle_fan

    Cyber-lebrity song

    It could be "one by one" by uncle Bob or "Running up that hill" by Placebo. Hope it helps :D
  5. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    What a new one already? :confused: Aight. It´s Nick who says it to Grissom, can´t remember ep name, thinks it´s season two´. ;)
  6. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    Warrick to Grissom?
  7. Sidle_fan

    CSI S6 Finale Promo 2 (Long) song name???

    Could be "Gene Viale - A light to this world", but can´t seeme to get a hold if it. Harsh, goodluck.
  8. Sidle_fan

    Grissom and Sara wallpaper/collages

    :D My first ever, hope ya like it.
  9. Sidle_fan

    Welcome And Goodbye, All Crazy Artists!

    hi ya all, kinda crazy fella coming in :lol:
  10. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    Nick to Greg? :confused:
  11. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    You´re corect Clarrisani, you´re up.
  12. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    need a hint?
  13. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    "since when did war become a party?"
  14. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    Sara to Grissom?
  15. Sidle_fan

    Sara Says Goodbye

    Could, the just stop taking it up like once a day, get i over with and take her back for guest play from time to time. :rolleyes:
  16. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    Correct, it really was to easy, your go cathwillows. :D
  17. Sidle_fan

    Who said it.. to who?

    ok, it´s my first time. this just might be to easy. "oh, i know somthing a lot jucier than Grissom and lady Heather".
  18. Sidle_fan

    Welcome to General TV & Media! Please introduce yourself!

    Re: Welcome to General TV & Media! Hi ya, just poppin by, thought i´d say hello.
  19. Sidle_fan

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Hi ya all, thought i´d stopp by n say hello, sort of a allround csi fan, love all shows. :)
  20. Sidle_fan

    who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) quates?

    Re: who is your favorite character and your favorite(s) qua H n there´s H, rules on one liners. "it´s as cold as ice" (think it´s how it goes) n "we never close". :D