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  1. B

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    This has been a little bit of a wierd season in terms of romance writing. I love that they finally got EC together, but I agree that they honestly did a better job of creating the illusion of intimacy in previous seasons. Emily and Adam have proven they can play it, if it's written well...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Popping in with some additional thoughts regarding the finale/promos.
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    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    He he...yep, I sure did. Goes to show I am watching WAY too much TV...I'm starting to confuse shows/seasons/characters... :rolleyes: I absolutely agree that Eric realized stronger feelings for Calliegh starting right after the shooting, I just got the impression from his surprise when she...
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    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    I think after Eric was shot, Calleigh's realized the depth of her feelings for Eric, but I think Eric didn't make the emotional connection quite as fast. I think he's always had some level of attraction and friendship, but I don't think he seriously considered a relationship with Calleigh. I...
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    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    Just a few thoughts. I'm not sure why speculation needs to be in spoiler tags, but everyone else is doing it so here it is. :cool:
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    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    With this new information, I'm wondering something...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    After watching the interview again, I think you're absolutely right. As for the Adam and Emily parts of the interview, they are just too funny. I agree with what has been said before. As actors, they have great chemistry and play off each other very well...even off the cuff. I especially...
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    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    Hi all, I'm delurking to tell you to mosey on over to the CBS website and watch the video clip interviews with Emily and Adam regarding the upcoming episode. Very very cute and there is definitely some new video footage (and audio) not covered in the promo. Enjoy!;)