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  1. C

    Grade 'It Happened to Me'

    Yeah, this was a good storyline for Hawkes, and I thought the way they presented his financial situation actually made sense. I guess he had lost his savings and whatever he had put away for retirement to that point. I was a little confused about the extra overtime and whether he needed that...
  2. C

    Grade 'It Happened to Me'

    Grade = B- The case itself wasn’t that compelling. Seems like they took a series of disparate elements and put them together more to facilitate Hawkes’ personal story than to actually build a coherent, interesting case. The gratuitous sploshing, Hawkes’ larcenous buddy (who really had...
  3. C

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    ^^ Thanks for the info. Seems like some of the Kardashians have been on a number of magazine covers lately, but can't say the prospect of these particular guest stars means much to me. But then again, I'm probably not in the target demo. Gotta agree. While I'm not disappointed to see this A/S...
  4. C

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    The 6.10 title (even if it's a temporary placeholder) sounds like something you'd expect if they were doing a fun and/or farcical type of episode -- like when one character has a dream about the other characters in different, sometimes bizarre roles or situations. That doesn't really seem to be...
  5. C

    Grade "Battle Scars"

    Agreed. And now that they seem to be doing more of the single case episodes, it seems even more critical that they find a way to balance screen time so that all the characters get their fair share but not necessarily through being in every episode. This may be a minority view, but I thought...
  6. C

    Grade "Battle Scars"

    Grade = B. I think this has been the strongest episode so far this season but still not as good as their best efforts. A good solid case with an interesting twist, and I did feel sad for the three involved, especially Jesse and Nick, who didn’t have bad intentions but still made...
  7. C

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    I am hoping for a good Stella storyline as well in this outing. Given the current spoilers, I wonder if her part of the episode involves the dancer's girlfriend --maybe in some way it reminds Stella of what happened with Frankie. Re: the Stella/Adam storyline, I don't necessarily want the...
  8. C

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    It would be good to get some additional context or explanation around what happened between Stella and Adam in the opener. After hearing that "Battle Scars" is supposed to highlight Stella in some way, I assumed this would be the episode we would find out more about what happened with her and...
  9. C

    Season 6 Ratings

    Nice to see the increase in ratings. It looks like CM's ratings stayed about the same compared to last week, so maybe a million (+/-) of its viewers decided to stick around this week and watch CSI: NY instead of doing something else.
  10. C

    Grade "Dead Reckoning"

    Grade = B- I wasn’t familiar with the real life case, so the swab contamination angle actually was an interesting twist for me. And as someone who’s been critical of some of the logic leaps the CSI’s make to solve complicated cases, it was interesting to see them following the evidence...
  11. C

    Season 6 Ratings

    Can't say I'm surprised at the drop either. I don't think these first couple of episodes have been the sort that would "hook" new or more casual viewers of the series. The cases haven't been that compelling, and the characters aren't really at their best. If I was a more casual viewer...
  12. C

    Grade "Lat 40 47'N/Long 73 58'W"

    Some of my thinking is influenced by that interview with PV -- the one where she talks about Mac having to be stronger than his usual self this season and needing to be the emotional foundation for the others who are dealing with losses. Sounds a bit like he might be too busy saving everyone...
  13. C

    Grade "Lat 40 47'N/Long 73 58'W"

    Grade = B- This episode was a step up from the previous two, but not by much. First, the case. I give the writers some credit for trying a different approach with this arc – trying to take us into the psyche of the killer and perhaps give him and the case more complexity. They did a...
  14. C

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Thanks for this article. Now I remember it. When I read this the first time, I did think PV was saying Stella would be supportive of Don. But I agree, I don't recall seeing that in the premier. I think she had one longer scene with Don when they were at the crime scene where the security...
  15. C

    Grade 'Blacklist'

    Grade = C+. Despite the heavy tech and lab focus, this still seemed like just an average type of CSI episode. I gave it a plus mainly for the Mac back story. This is one episode for which it might’ve helped to be unspoiled, especially since the big hook seemed to be learning the...
  16. C

    Grade "Epilogue"

    I don't think Mac has a no-fraternization policy -- at least, not a strict one. Otherwise, Danny or Lindsay would've been transferred by now. If there's an issue with Adam/Stella, it could be due to some type of supervisor/subordinate relationship. But even that's murky because I don't know...
  17. C

    Grade "Epilogue"

    Not necessarily. It doesn’t matter whether TPIC have linked the relationships or not….People who watch will analyze, compare, and make reference to Stella’s other relationships, actions, and behaviors. Not because they’re all shippers; but because that’s part of how they come to define and...
  18. C

    Stella and Adam

    Re: Stella and....... As I said elsewhere, I think Mac/Stella and Stella/Adam are both similar types of supervisor/subordinate relationships. In fairness to Cath's comments above, though, I thought she was responding initially to the comment that Mac and Stella together was somehow worse...
  19. C

    Grade "Epilogue"

    Well, there is one highly suggestive scene (no dialogue) that shows the Adam/Stella "liasion," but if you've seen the promo, you know which one it is, and hopefully, it shouldn't come as such a horrible shock. :) I agree that they're both supervisor/subordinate relationships and any...
  20. C

    Has anyone else took an instant dislike to Haylen?

    I didn't dislike her immediately, but it's still a bit early to know whether I'll ultimately like or dislike her. I actually think it's a good thing that she came across as a little overly ambitious and agressive, even if it makes her somewhat annoying or unlikeable. Better that than one who...