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  1. C

    Favorite Episode of Season Four?

    I voted for "Admissions," too. I was impressed with how well the writers integrated lighter character moments with the more intense, depressing case elements. It was a well-crafted (and acted) episode, and I think the entire cast had moments to shine.
  2. C

    Season 5 Wishlist

    A few of mine: -- More diverse locales, crimes, criminals & victims, methodologies for solving crimes, etc. -- More focus on all the characters' professional lives and progression. -- More on Danny's family connections. I thought Danny was supposed to be the one with street...
  3. C

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    I agree with a lot of what you're saying, and I don't have a problem with the concept of recurring characters in general. However, I do sometimes get annoyed with how they are used in this and other series. If a character shows up more than just once or twice a season and tends to interact...
  4. C

    Grade 'Hostage'

    I was pretty disappointed in "Hostage" last night but watched some of it again today in case I missed something. Nope, didn't change my opinion much. I gave it a grade of C-; rather average overall, even mediocre at times, and definitely not finale worthy. Like always, there were a few...
  5. C

    What should happen to Gerrard?

    I agree that he most likely will lose his job, be prosecuted, and serve whatever the appropriate jail sentence is determined to be. I doubt this situation could be swept under the rug. Seems like this is the type of case that would get a lot of press attention, and with the focus on police...
  6. C

    Grade 'Admissions'

    I also gave this episode an "A." I was impressed with how well they were able to integrate some fun, humorous character moments into what ultimately turned out to be a sad, depressing case. I found myself smiling more than once at the character interations and this episode was one of the best...
  7. C

    Grade 'Taxi'

    Yes, I understand what you're saying. For me, I think it comes down to just wanting to understand how and why the killer went from point A to B, and at the end of this one, I felt like there were still missing pieces. In previous episodes of the arc, the team uncovered several clues like...
  8. C

    Grade 'Taxi'

    I gave this episode a "B" mainly because I also felt resolution of the cabbie killer arc was a letdown. One of the things missing for me was lack of a substantive backstory and/or profile for the killer that might have better linked the psychological mindset with his actions. Are we supposed...
  9. C

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Thanks much for the nice welcome! :) (Hmmm.... Looks like I need to figure out why my responses have the indented formatting.)
  10. C

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Hi, Another newbie to the forum here. :) I used to watch CSI: original years ago but eventually drifted away. Never really could get into CSI: Miami, so when the NY series came out, I didn't pay much attention -- thought it would be more of the same. Fortunately, I happened to catch a...