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  1. S

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    It might have been, seattle, but I'm not sure. I know for a fact that the list had *all* seven seasons including Living Doll. I'm going to have to go through my GSR-Yahoo Forum emails...that may take a while. lol.
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    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Thanks for the welcome desertwind. The list was something like that but she had her own site and there were pictures to gawk at as well. Lol. Most of the moments had the exact transcipts to the scenes if not well done summaries. I'm still searching for it. It may be a long road lol
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    GSR - How Do I Live Without You?

    I've changed the rating since I first began the story and neglected to notice that at the top. Sorry guys >.< It's a WIP, and I'm having a moodswing on this story. lol. I had to restart my computer's hard drive and the documents didn't save on the CD the way they should have. Fortunetly, my...
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

    Hehehe, definetly come in handy. Naughty thoughts make happy dreams. Hehehehe.
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    Miniature Items.......?????

    I'm not sure about buying them but I think the MSI (Museum of Science and Industry) in Chicago is having a CSI miniature exhibit. It goes along with the CSI Experience exhibit. For those in Chicago, the CSI Experience is up on the floor by the train while the miniature exhibit is on the...
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

    Jacquie, I honestly don't think anyone's looking at the hairdo. Lol. The suit open wide to a very conspicuous place caught my eye. *smiles innocently*
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

    Marns - lol I'm ready for the drooling. I was gawking at google images while restocking my collection. Such a happy day filled with Nick pictures.
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    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Lol, GSR videos rock no matter what. Nick video would be good for "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy". Hehe, I could probably find the song if you need me to. Just PM me
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

    Okay, I've offically started drooling on the computer. Not good if I want to stare at more Nick photos ^_^ Thanks for the warm welcome ya'll, and I'll have to dig through my collection of Nick photos for some for you guys. Had to restart my computer's harddrive about a week ago (stupid virus)...
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    GSR - How Do I Live Without You?

    Spoilers: Beginning about post-The Good, The Bad, and The Dominatrix and continuing through Living Doll. Rating: R for possible language and violence Song: “How Do I Live Without You” By Trisha Yearwood to be used later on in the story. Disclaimer: I do not own CSI: Crime Scene...
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    CSI Season 7 on DVD

    Re: CSI Season 7 on DVD ? Last year, I was supposed to get it for my birthday on Nov. 15, and it came a few days after that so I'm hoping for something around the same time if not earlier.
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Jorja looks totally awesosme in anything she wears...especially jeans. Makes me ashamed to wear jeans she looks so good. >.< lol
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    CSI Miami game...I need help!

    Thanks. It worked! Lol I downloaded, restarted the case and followed my walkthrough (I was too lazy this morning ^_^ ) and it worked! Ha, now I just have to go back and do it myself if I feel like it. Lol. Thanks a bunch.
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

    Hey all - I just signed up with Talk CSI a few days ago, but I've been a lurker for a while. George Eads/Nick Stokes is just so...*drools and shakes head before returning to typing*..amazing. Lol. I would have sent a post here earlier but I was too busy staring at all the Nick pics ^_^ Have...
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    CSI Miami game...I need help!

    Thanks, I'll do that. Hopefully, that'll fix it. Do you know where I can get the patch? Is it just on ubisoft?
  16. S

    CSI Video Games.

    It's not a problem. If you're using a regular PC, you shouldn't have a problem but if you have a laptop (like mine) it doesn't always install right. I called Ubisoft and they told me just what I needed to do, so if that's a problem...make sure to call them. It's a simple fix.
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    CSI game 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: CSI game 4 How glad am I that I can now play CSI on my DS and mess around on the computer at the same time? Very. Lol. I'll probably buy the DS and PC just to see the difference.
  18. S

    csi 3 dimsions of murder ps2

    None that I know of. I felt the game for PC was better, but that's just personal opinion. The graphics were basically the same.