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  1. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't believe I missed Supernatural last night because I was watching a movie at the cinema.
  2. R

    What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

    Gifts are nothing. It's better when you get money. :D Anyway, happy birthday. A bit late, but... it's the thought that counts... right?
  3. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    You broke off a piece of your tooth from eating biscuits??? I can't believe biscuits are so strong. Or evil.
  4. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't belive I almost cried over my exam results lol...
  5. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't believe I'm in my school uniform, ready to go to school, for about.... 20 minutes, just to collect my exam report card.
  6. R

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Are you serious? Tons of people ship House/Cameron. I am not one of them, but I'm sure you'll find someone. House-Wilson friendship is excellent. I personally prefer Friendship to slash, but I've read quite a few good H/W Fics that totally make me go 'awwwwww'. (there was one that made me cry)...
  7. R

    Your Fandoms List

    CSI(all 3) House Grey's Anatomy Numb3rs Supernatural WWE Harry Potter Lord of the Rings Dead Poets Society X Men Killer 7 KATAMARI DAMACY!!!!!! Coolest game eva!
  8. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't believe all my teachers expected me to apply for an ASEAN Scholarship so I could go to Singapore to study. According to them, I'd have a good chance of getting it. But nah. I'm not sure the hostel shows Up-to-date CSI.
  9. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't believe it's only 1.32am on a Sunday morning and I'm already feeling my eyelids droop.
  10. R


    Re: Introductions Wow. This has suddenly become the Food thread. I'm not a big fan of popiah, but it's fun when you have to roll them yourself. :p Anyway, welcome newbies!
  11. R

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    Yay... more and more newbies joining us. DnA will rule the world!
  12. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't believe I have to go back to school tomorrow and I haven't finished my homework, even after a two week long holiday. :p
  13. R


    Re: Introductions I'd get you some Roti Canai if you want, sHiNNizLe... :)
  14. R

    Recent Purchases

    Had a very good day in Singapore on Friday... bought a whole lot of stuff. I don't have any Singapore dollars left now. :p Books: The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole $18.90 True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole $18.90 Adrian Mole: The Cappucino Years $20.95 Eldest $26.20 I've been wanting this...
  15. R

    House MD

    House and Cuddy are daddy and mummy duck? Lol. Wilson can be the uncle, yeah.
  16. R


    Re: Introductions The rules? Where? :devil:
  17. R

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    Famous Opening Lines - 5/13. Rock and Roll - 3/11 :p Celebrity Authors - 5/9. Gross Out - 3/9 Proverbs - 6/10 Presidential Trivia - 3/10 :( Pets Gone Wild - 2/9. I can go die now. Science fiction - Considering I don't like it too much, 5/11 is okay. World Capitals - 7/10 Creepy Crawly - 6/10...
  18. R

    The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

    I can't believe my niece can be so hyper on this boring Wednesday. Bleh.. Edit: I can't believe my mum got pissed off over the fact that I didn't know where in her office I should put her stuff! And when I ask, she points outside the office and says 'cupboard' and when I ask 'What cupboard?'...
  19. R

    House MD

    It would make a good storyline I guess.... Chase was never my favourite character(that honour goes to Wilson), but if the writers do pursue a storyline like this I'd look forward to it.
  20. R

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    Loved it. I liked the relationship H had with the little boy, and the way he worked with Stella. When him and Mac were on together they gave me the impression that they were good friends.