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  1. R


    Re: Introductions Hello Emily! Welcome to TalkCSI. Hope you have lots of fun. :D Oh yes, remember to try some brownies.
  2. R

    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe that I'm DONE with exams for the year. Except I don't think I did very well... :p
  3. R

    Photography Competition: 'Life's A Beach' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: 'Life's A Beach' 8 7 4
  4. R

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    RSL just kills me lol. XD Oh... wow. The bloopers one was excellent. I love the way they swear so much lol. :lol:
  5. R

    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe that my exam, the very very important one that we've all been working for for the last 6 years, is in 3 days time! Dunno if I should be excited or nervous.
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    Re: Introductions Pssst. Dolphin! Can I have a few of those brownies? Pleaaase? OH, right, hello there SupervisoR! :D
  7. R

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Oh I wish I watched the Emmys. Damn my brother for not reminding me.
  8. R

    Most irritating things.

    LOL James Blunt is ranked number 4... *snickers* For me? The one person who manages to irritate me till I start yelling incoherently.... is my brother. No one else. :lol:
  9. R

    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe it's 9.41pm, I've still got Maths homework, CSI: NY is at 10, I have 3 tests to study for, and this morning I actually told myself that I was gonna sleep early tonight. :p
  10. R

    What's your favourite/least favourite movie

    Favourite Movies. Yes, movies: Dead Poets Society, Big Fish, Moulin Rouge(yes, Ewan fan here), LOTR, Star Wars... Least favourite: I can't stand ANYTHING with Arnold Schwarzenegger or Steven Seagal.
  11. R

    The Last Ten songs You Listened To...

    1.Phantom Planet - California 2.Theory of a Deadman - Santa Monica 3.The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony 4.The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Soundtrack - Requiem of Spirit 5.Alicia Keys - Diary 6.Ronan Keating - When You Say Nothing At All 7.New Radicals - Someday We'll Know 8.Oasis - Wonderwall...
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    Mmmm. Yes, after very guiltily missing quite a few weeks worth of episodes, I finally get the chance to watch again, and there is no better welcome than seeing Dean shirtless. *dreamy look*
  13. R

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* There are certain ships which stare at us right in the face lol. Like H/W and Huddy.
  14. R

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* House/Wilson made the cut for Best Relationship? Hell YEAH! *starts dancing around in circles*
  15. R

    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    My obsession with the Legend of Zelda games is getting to be very unhealthy... I can't wait for the next one lol. My Wallpaper
  16. R

    It's Me Again

    Read and understood. :D
  17. R

    House MD

    *faints in happiness* Finally, I'll get to watch House Season 2 next month. Which is still incredibly sad, seeing as you guys get Season 3 in September. But anyway... I just watched the Season 3 Preview, and damn it looks great.
  18. R

    Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

    Well, I picked Mickey. Though that 'Michael Jackson' thing did make me laugh.
  19. R

    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe I don't have to go to school on Monday! Woohoo! :D I can't believe I've suddenly gotten myself obsessed with Chinese Music. I've always been against Chinese Pop. How strange.
  20. R

    I Can't Believe It #4

    Sushi... *drools* I can't believe I accidentally took one of my friend's books home on Friday, and we're having a test based on one of the chapters in that book tomorrow. XD