I can't believe I'm actually up-to-date with my homework! For the past few days I've been ignoring it, but today, something came over me and I just did it all. XD
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".
Is it me, or does RSL's chest seem puffed out in that vid? He looks like he needs a training bra... :(
Ah well, he's forever sexy to me. I love the comments he makes.
Up: Skipped school.
Down: Sick.
Up: No homework anyway.
Down: Can't drink anything cold... :(
Up: Mid-Autumn Festival is over. That means my dad won't be making up any more stupid traditions to get me to have some mooncake.
Up: House is on tv tonight. :D
I can't believe I have a cough, and also a cold. Meh. At least I didn't have to go to school... actually that was me ignoring the alarm clock, but same difference. XD
Up: Someone LIKES my signature? Wow. Thanks, Catherinesmyidol, and thanks wibble.
Up: 92% for Science? My god, that's the highest I've ever gotten for Science...
Down: A cockroach just flew into my room. :(
I wish I had a wireless mouse... my current normal mouse works, but goes crazy sometimes... the cursor disappears without warning, and it gets stuck very often. Ugh.
Welcome Astrid! Hope you have fun posting here.
Anyway... muffins? Where?? :D
Edited because I mistook muffins for brownies. Ah whatever, they both taste good.
Yes! I'm so excited about the finale... starting in 2 minutes.
You guys are starting season 2 next week? Damn you! :D I expect it'll be really great...
Edit: Just done watching the finale... You guys just HAVE to tell me what happens next week. I can't wait that long for Season 2...
It was really dark out this morning, and in school we had the lights on even until late morning.
In the afternoon it brightened up... pity though, I was hoping it would rain.
I had exams today... Science, dead hard lol.
Came home, watched a bit of tv... Fell asleep in front of the tv.XD
Woke up, went to my room, fell back asleep.
Woke up again, updated my blog... Showered, ate dinner.
SO exciting.
I can't believe my brother tried to squash a cockroach, missed, and the bloody thing went into my room! Ugh, I hate cockroaches. What's worse is that my brother refuses to go hunting for it. He's telling me to kill it myself. XD