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  1. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    its overcast and fairly mild today! if only it would rain.... its about 23c right now, good temperature!
  2. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: i slept in, yay! up: i stayed up until about 1:30 this morning watching 'LOTR: The Return of the King', which was fun! up: i dont have work today! up: its overcast! down: i have a violin lesson this afternoon... up: it's my last violin lesson ever!
  3. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    its really nice here today, the sun is shining but its not too hot and theres a nice cool breeze! its quite relaxing actually... yesterday it was 6 degrees cooler then the average for this time of the year... i'm totally loving this!
  4. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    down: i'm tired down: my feet hurt up: i have til wednesday off from work! yay! up: i have brownies!
  5. D

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    i'm beginning to read 'The Odyssey' by Homer. ahhh, i love that story... its wayyyyy cooler than 'The Iliad'!
  6. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i cant believe how exhausted i am... *sigh* *yawn* *passes out on desk*
  7. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    down: there was a cockroach in my room last night that woke me up at about 1:30, it took me about an hour to kill it then i couldnt get back to sleep until about 4-ish caus i was too paranoid about cockroaches! down: i'm soooo tired down: my feet hurt caus' i worked an 8 hour shift today up...
  8. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: i saw borat yesterday down: im still disturbed from watching borat yesterday down: i have work today... up: work isnt til 12:15 so i got to sleep in! yay!
  9. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    its actually overcast today! im liking this! it stormed yesterday in the afternoon, but it wasnt anything spectacular...
  10. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: its overcast up: my friend is coming around today! yay! down: i'm tired caus i had a crappy nights sleep
  11. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i cant believe how crappy my sleep was... now i'm all tired! i cant believe my brother is in the swiss alps while i'm stuck here, sweating away in the summer heat...
  12. D

    Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner hmmm, now this one i can probably do! *searches through billions of photos of pets*
  13. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: its been a nice and relaxing day full of lord of the rings, the sims 2 and yummy food... down: it's also been a rather hot day today... up: we had a small storm in the afternoon, which was fun to observe...
  14. D

    Any Good Google/You Tube Videos.

    ducky! that video DISTURBED me! it was so.... bad! but yeah, it made me laugh...
  15. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    oh my god... its only about 10 and the humidity is already nearly unbearable... the temperature is 27 but it feels like 29 caus of the humidity! its expected to storm today though so hopefully that might take away some of the humidity...
  16. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    its been reasonably warm today, fairly sunny (i think) i've been inside most of the day so i couldnt really tell...
  17. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    hah, yeah wibble... its impossible to escape those evil tunes... i cant believe how much my feet hurt! i cant believe i have to decide between work and my piano concert.... hmmm....
  18. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    down: i had to work 8 hours today, standing up for all of it except 15 minutes... MY FEET HURT! up: i got free food!
  19. D

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    yeah, xena rocks my socks! and you havent heard christmas songs yet? wow! i envy you! i heard some in the store today... it was horrible! i cant believe i've almost finished my artemis fowl book already!!! i cant believe i have to work 8 hours tomorrow :eek:
  20. D

    Recent Purchases #2

    today i got: greek yogurt from the greek yogurt shop! mixed berry flavour! yay! yeah, thats about it... what a boring life i live....