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  1. D

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Wow, I haven't posted a picture of me in sooooo long! <-- First day of Uni: aren't I an idiot?! <-- me pretending to be a gangsta! an emo gangsta...
  2. D

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Oh wow, the temperature dropped down to about 25 c, I think... And it's been overcast all day! Awesome! So much better than yesterday's sweltering heat!
  3. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Woke up at 12:30 this arvo. Down: Had to do lots of uni work at home today. Up: Tutoring session was fun, because teaching nominal and effective interest rates totally makes my life worth while... lol! Down: It's been crazily hot today!
  4. D

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    YAY! New thread! I just love talking about the weather... Speaking of which, it was exceedingly hot today. Like, 42 degrees celcius... it's supposed to be Autumn dammit! Stupid sub-tropical climate... *sigh*
  5. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: Work was boring Down: My ingrown toenail started bleeding (I should really get that looked at) Up: I have the house to myself tonight!
  6. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Its been quite humid lately and there have been the odd showers about, which is annoying when you hang out the washing and then have to take it in because it rains for like, 5 minutes... then you have to hang it out again... *sigh* There are forecasts for storms this afternoon, not surprising...
  7. D

    International Women's Day!

    YAY! *is glad to be a woman* HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY Y'ALL! (even though it is no longer International Women's Day here...) And to think I was sitting down listening to someone talk about neuroanatomy and the pottery and artwork of the Geometric Period of Ancient Greece... *sigh*...
  8. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Oh. my. God... WHY IS IT STILL SO HOT?! *melts* Stupid Autumn and it's absense!
  9. D

    Recent Purchases #2

    Yay I finally bought stuff! Today I bought... - pair of Converse-like shoes (but cooler) - pair of pretty shoes - a top - a skirt - a jacket!
  10. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe how successful my shopping adventure was! I can't believe how cool my new shoes are! I can't believe how freaking hot it is!
  11. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: Uni was fun and Psych was better than I thought it would be! Yay! Up: I'm going on a shopping expedition tomorrow! YAY! Down: I'm really tired.
  12. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Naww... it's getting HOTTER not colder! This is bloody ridiculous... I want to move to somewhere cold!!! I think it was about 30c today... I think today was the start of Autumn... *sigh*
  13. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe how freaking humid it is today... I can't believe all of the subjects I want to do for this semester at Uni keep on clashing with each other... GRRRRRR... I REALLY wanted to do Spanish! *sigh* I can't believe how quickly I've become obsessed with 'The Phantom of the Opera'...
  14. D

    Recent Purchases #2

    Today I bought the 'Phantom of the Opera (Original Motion Picture) Soundtrack' the 2004 version! I HEART IT!
  15. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    hehe thanks! I made it a few days ago! I can't believe I'm still up! Its already midnight and I have to wake up early tomorrow! I can't believe how sexy Snape is!!! I can't believe that my friend just dissed Xena... grrr...
  16. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: I had work today. Down: My mouth hurts caus' I have an ulcer... *sulks* Down: I miss my brother... Up: Start Uni tomorrow (exciting!) UP: Went driving yesterday and didn't crash into anything! YAY!
  17. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's been reasonably mild here... still hotter than I'd like it to be but... ya know... can't have everything! I can't wait for winter! Or at least autumn! I wish it snowed where I live... that would be AWESOME!
  18. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe how awesome The Phantom of The Opera is!!! I CAN'T BELEIVE I START UNI TOMORROW! *squees with excitement and anticipation*
  19. D

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe the pool shop guy who works in the same shopping complex as I do started hitting on me today at work...
  20. D

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Wow, it actually just rained! For all of 10 minutes... but still... rain! And it's overcast as well! Yay! It's been quite cool for the past couple of days, I wish it would stay like this!