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  1. D

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Ooo, cathwillows, if you like sun and warmth, you'd LOOOVVEEE it here! Humidity, sunshine 90% of the time, palm trees, sub-tropical climate... And apparently theres never going to be a winter... ever...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S Hehe, I can just see that happening... A showdown between Eric and Calleigh's cat... rivals for Calleigh's affection! And he'd be all "Calleigh, your cat hates me!" And Cal would be all like "Eric, it's a cat for God's sakes!" The...
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    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut Ooo, I'm kinda glad that they've axed it... Horatio gets too much drama as it is! Nothing like a good serial killer case to end the season with! :p
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    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Damn, the rain dance didn't work. It's slightly overcast though... doubt it'll rain... It's fairly 'cool' today... and by 'cool' I mean you don't need to turn a fan on. Does anyone who lives in a snowy environment wanna swap with me?! Anyone? It doesn't have to be snowy, just, under 20c!
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S I second that, where is Leela's video? Goshdarnit, I can't wait until Monday (even though it'll be more like Tuesday over here)!!! Just the thought of Eric and Cal working together makes me *squee*!
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    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut Oh, of course Juma! I keep forgetting that they're indestructable... just like Horatio! Yay I can't wait until Monday! New episode! FINALLY!
  7. D

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 Hey all, just found a whole bunch of icons that I made, mostly for other people, thats why they're all a bit random... More Frank N Furter Ares! more Jennifer Connelly for some reason... I hope that worked... I'm not very icon-posting savvy...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: My Ancient History lecture was fun! Up: I'm offically on Mid-Sem break! YAY! Up: I had a really nice curry tonight for dinner. Down: I have so many assignments to do in my break that it won't really be a break at all! Down: My friend was supposed to be coming over tonight but she had to...
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    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Its fairly mild tonight, not too hot, not too cold. Definately not cold enough for Autumn... *sigh* Still no rain either... I hate this drought! I hate the water restrictions! Our lawn is completely dead! *does a rain dance*
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    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut Hmm, Horatio in a plane crash? Thats... interesting... I wonder how the SOJ will survive? They probably have a magical force-field that prevents them from getting so much as a scratch! Sorry, random ponderings here... It's sad...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S Bugger... Can't I just write a fic or something?
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S Ooo I'd LOOVVEEE the jacket back! Hehehe... Is it sad that, while telling my friends about Eric and Calleigh on the bus, I couldn't contain my excitement and squeeled like a pig... I SQUEELED LIKE A PIG! That's how excited I am...
  13. D

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We Say!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #21 - Off With Their Shirts, We S Hey all, I decided that, after months of lurking I would come out of hiding and express how excited I am about these spoilers! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I have been THE WORST shipper... like... I nearly gave...
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    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Could the day be anymore beautiful? No... Clear skies aside from the occasional cute little white fluffy cloud drifiting by... not TOO hot, not cold either... Slight breeze... But I want it to RAIN! *whines* I don't even remember the last time it rained... *sigh* This is definately not...
  15. D

    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut Goshdarnit! I can't find the preview for next week! On the CBS website, the 'Next Week' preview thing is the one to do with soldiers in Iraq or something... I thought that was an old! Stupid CBS... *whines* I want the preview!
  16. D

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Oh thank the Lord, it's finally cooling down! Still warm and sunny, but no where near as hot as it has been recently! I think I feel a change in the wind! AUTUMN YAY!!!!
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: I don't have to go in to uni today Down: Instead I have to write a 1200 word essay on "Where is the 'I' located in the body" for my Philosophy that's due on Wednesday :( Up: The weather is cooling down! I'm so excited! Down: I have sooo much uni work to catch up on because I've been so...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: I had a psychology test for Uni today... on a Saturday... Up: The test was easy... very easy! Down: I know that I got one question wrong though... bugger... Up: Had fun at my friends house, watching season 1 eps of CSI:Miami and The West Wing. Down: I have a philosophy essay due on...
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    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    It rained for all of... 1 minute today.... this is pitifull! Still quite hot, definately not autumn weather, which sucks caus I want to get out my winter/autumn/cooler weather wardrobe! *sigh*
  20. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: I have uni tomorrow and I have SOOO much reading to do for my subjects! Down: Finally saw the doctor about my shoulder that I can dislocate at will, she said I have to have it x-rayed... :( Down: My driving instructor made me drive in traffic! Up: I didn't die while driving in traffic...