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  1. E

    ‘CSI’ Star Contract Due To Expire

    I'm going to honest; she's my least favorite actor on the show doing my least favorite character. However, I also want to point out that this means I disliker her more than others, but rather I like others more than her. I will miss her when she does leave. To be fair, the writers/producers...
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    First ‘Living Doll’ Plot Details Revealed

    Who the hell is Natalie?
  3. E

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    Lab Rats was good only because it was creative like older episodes, not like newer ones. In fact, the direction of Lab Rats wasn't a "new" direction, it was simply the old one. If you ask me, it's not a new direction the problem. The Problem is a lot of the episodes are bad, save a few. The...
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    LV: Overall Show & Writer Discussion *No Spoilers*

    I don't dislike the direction as much as the quality of the writing this season. I can't really point to specific writers, but I can point to specific episodes. "Empty Eyes", "Fallen Idols", "Leaving Las Vegas", and "Burn Out" are bad episodes. The better episodes are "Post Mortem", "Loco...
  5. E

    "Lab Rats" Discussion *Spoilers*

    You know, I have no idea who the other two lab rats are. I know Hodges and Archie, but that's about it. Hodges is, well, a main character now, albeit one preferring to stay in the lab. The other I've seen is Archie, who I remember because I've seen the actor in other shows.
  6. E

    "Big Shots" Discussion Thread *SPOILERS*

    If you ask me, this episode was certainly better than the last one. On the episode itself, the ending was kinda messy. What about the other two guys, Carey and Scott? Scott's dead, but what about Carey? It also intrigued me how the Mother never actually denied that his other Son was killer to...
  7. E

    "Big Shots" Discussion Thread *SPOILERS*

    Well, I don't know. I always thought competition makes people work harder, not less. This season has been boring so far. Not terrible in most cases, but just boring. It's like they are trying to do nothing. I thought season 5 was pretty good, but it had too much blue tint. I hate it when...
  8. E

    "Big Shots" Discussion Thread *SPOILERS*

    The writing of all the CSI series has been poorer lately. I've realized why - the original writers are still mostly there, but they are higher in the chain of command and have to deal with more than one show. Before Miami and NY existed, they only had to focus on one show. Sure, they had a...
  9. E

    "Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The problem wasn't the old schemes, or the pseudo science. No, the problem was their was such HUGE buildup to the case. This person raped and killed five showgirls. Sounds like someone big. Instead, it was this lame man with a lame excuse who claimed to have felt nothing killing that one girl...
  10. E

    "Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    This episodes sucked. Not because of Sara. No. Sara was fine in this episode. I repeat, and I repeat again, again, she was fine. No, the problem was this episode sucked on its own merits. From beginning to end the episode sucked. The killer was uninspiring; he apparently decided to kill...
  11. E

    Grade 'A Daze of Wine and Roaches'

    Does anyone know what the music is with the classical mixed with techno?
  12. E

    CSI: New York--'A Daze Of Wine And Roaches'

    Does anyone know what was the music in the beginning? it sounds like classical music being mixed with techno.
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    Aguilera Not Scheduled To Appear On ‘CSI:NY’

    Hold on, there's Aguilera fans that are CSI:NY fans?
  14. E

    Blue Background Color

    Actually, NY doesn't have a tint, if you ask me. It's just. regualar colored. However, I do agree that Miami tends to bright yellow/orange/sometimes even reddish. However, the tints get annoying.
  15. E

    Blue Background Color

    I was wondering, has anyone noticed that CSI has been getting colored bluer and bluer? Watching Season 1, I noticed most of it was not blue-"tinted". However, watching Season 7, the walls are blue, the lighting is blue, and when light hits the actors' faces, it's bluish. Does anyone else...
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    Blue Background Color

    csiGD-ML-1123696-ML- To: General CSI Discussion
  17. E

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    1. Las Vegas: Still the best. I prefer it because CSI's are just CSI's... not cops, not gun-slingers, just CSI's. 2. New York: In the spirit, if not the soul, of Las Vegas. 3. Miami: Great Show, but too fast and loose sometimes. The biggest problem with NY is... it's hard to catch! Not the...
  18. E

    CSI NY The Forgotten Child

    I'm going to guess that CSI:NY will eventually surpass CSI:Miami in terms of ratings. Maybe not now, maybe later, but it WILL happen. Don't get me wrong; I love all three. It's just that... Miami is too fast and loose. Well NY is a bit loose, but nowhere near as Miami, and certainly not as "fast".
  19. E

    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show I would keep watching if George Eads left, but I can understand how you feel; without him, the show would be different. I also want to respond to something else; if William Petersen did leave, I believe most people will stop watching. Nothing wrong with...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    To be honest, I think the actor, Anna Belknap, has to go. You know what they can do? Have Lindsay in some funky accident that mentally and physically changes her, and for whatever reason, the actor is changed. Yeah, it sounds awkard, and it is, but I really dislike Belknap.