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  1. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 Wow I can't believe we're that quiet. We need to start a discussion... hmm... first sleepover at his or her place? I'd say hers, it's safer, too many reminders in his :lol:
  2. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 A E/C video? I can't wait to get home and watch it! I love shippy videos :D I think I know where to look... Yep I do :D! Damn still at least 3 more hours to work. Wow my mind is really dirty... Instead of arguing about the team, I was more thinking along the lines on...
  3. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 :lol: you know I love to watch football too, but I must admit I really don't mind seeing a cute player on the field. A world cup E/C porn fic? I actually thought about that while watching a game last week. Then I realized that they probably wouldn't care much about...
  4. Elicia

    Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

    Re: New*** Nick/Sophia There are very little SoNic stories out there and it's a real shame. Maybe once I have finished my E/C porn, I could write a little something about those two. I read a good story on adult fanfiction. It was kinda sad and I definitely hope that the writer plans to give us...
  5. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 The best moment in a football game is when they exchanged their shirts at the end of the game :D Too bad too many of them wear something under... far less pecs and abs sighting *sigh* And Eric playing? :D definitely shirtless. Too bad they don't have those tight shorts...
  6. Elicia

    Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

    Re: New*** Nick/Sophia This little thread needs to be bumped. I love this ship. I'm normally a Snickers, but I must admit Nick and Sofia look really damn cute together.
  7. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 Yeah I'm not sure I can stomach more Snake/Eric viewing. I'd also love to have again Eric/Calleigh cases. They hardly work together anymore. This is so unlogical... I like Ryan, but he shouldn't take that much of Cal's time. And Peter Elliot? Honestly no! I'd be really...
  8. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 Leela, thanks I'm so blushing. This is good motivation for the next chapter. It's already in my head, but I guess I should share :lol: I also loved Jessica's fic. I so wish we would have that! The conversation on the summer is character based, so not really OT, more AU...
  9. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 Yeah it's sad our ship has been abandonned by a lot of people. On Fanforum I had to go on page 5 I think to find the last E/C thread. There had been no post after November. I found a E/C community on LJ, but nothing seems to happen there. But I'm afraid I'm just bad at...
  10. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 SoNic porn? Really? And there was a thread for them? :eek: Wow I'm really missing a lot here. I can't stop writing, but I don't think it's worth posting somewhere. I just keep it to myself and some friends. I can't even remember, if I have to write chapter 5 or 6 in...
  11. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 I want those days back too... Zuicker is so busy with NY that he doesn't care about Miami anymore... Maybe we need a new spin-off called CSI: Soap City with Donahue in charge. That way we get new writers and finally E/C :D Wow I'm delusional today! :lol:
  12. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 :lol: That is definitely playing with fire! You're lucky you didn't feel the cold kiss of her gun on your temple :devil:!!
  13. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 :lol: wow now you've planted pretty naughty pics into my head, as though I would need that :D And come on, she should be able to handle a couple of hours, she's a tough girl. He'll probably beg for mercy before her :devil:
  14. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: cool! Porn is not going to help? :eek: No that can't be true, porn always helps :D I miss the ship too but it lives in my head. I just have to avoid season 4 and I'm happy (it's currently shown here in France and sadly when I checked which episode it was last night, I got a view of the...
  15. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: cool! Well chapter 4 is finally up :D It was about time :lol: Ali, I read any E/C fic so I can't wait to see your story :) And just to clarify, I honestly can write other stuff than smut. The problem with E/C is whatever I start writing gets smutty very quickly :lol:
  16. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: cool! Wow, are we quiet!?! Yeah I'm calling for porn too, but since I'm personaly not delivering, I feel a little bad. Jessica and Jaffy, thanks for the nice feedback on the first chapters. You made me blush... I'll post the new chapter tonight, beta-read or not. If anyone new wants the...
  17. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: E/C rock!!! Happy birthday Scoj :D and BREAK A LEG CARO Sorry chapter 4 is still not finished... I should never read my porn too closely. At this speed I won't be finished tonight :(
  18. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless Delko

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #18 -- The One True Path to Shirtless De Yeah I wrote porn too :lol:, not sure anyone around here read it, but I had a lot of fun :D More should come soon as chapter 4 is finished but needs amending. I even converted 2 friends to E/C and that wasn't easy. It's true that we...
  19. Elicia

    Sid Hammerback - The coroner with the coolest glasses.

    Re: Sid Hammerback. I can only agree Hammerback is the best ME ever and definitely one of the best characters on all CSI shows. He brought so much fun in this season. I hope he'll get a spot in the opening credits. That would be a great way to start season 3 :D
  20. Elicia

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    Oh cool :D so I'm not the only to find them cute together. Sofia was so concerned when he was shot, she definitely acted like a mother protecting her young.