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  1. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Damn how am I ever going to be able to work the next day? :wtf:
  2. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    First of all and I hate to play that part but it's just getting on my nerves, what is with some of you not getting what posting at least 3 lines means? If you have a question, address it to the person who posted by PM but do not just write one-liners here. It makes the thread look cheap and I...
  3. Elicia

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    Blah once more we have the super hero syndrome on this show :scream: Why the hell can't Ryan talk about it to anyone? He needs to do it all by himself *blech* :shifty: But then he has been like that since day one, I suppose he is one of these people who never learn. I agree that the team has a...
  4. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    If that wasn't the spoiler of spoilers I don't know :lol: Thanks so much Delkolover now I can forget about the stupid weather and that I am so damn tired. Maybe I'll write more later.
  5. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Well if this is what she meant she is even more wrong than I thought (I really need to read that review :lol:). It is impossible to compare what he told her on Monday and what he said to the shrink at the beginning of the season. It was a big leap because the 'maybe's and 'whatif's were gone...
  6. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    Okay I am late but I'm going to say it anyway YAY new thread :lol: You gals have been very busy here ;) I'm not going to repeat what has been said before but I agree last Monday episode was a defining moment for the two of them. I haven't read Kristine's review for 714, but I read the one for...
  7. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Well I guess it's safe to post without spoiler tags now... I liked the episode. I wasn't worried before watching and I'm certainly not worried after. As many said she was more interested in the horse than in the guy. It was all about riding not meeting someone new. After what she said last week...
  8. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    I'll third that :D The other guy is pointless... those never make it beyond one episode. This is Miami afterall ;)
  9. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Well Marija I don't agree... ;) I'm probably older than you and I have seen a lot of people accept a lot of crap from their loved ones and others who patiently waited for their love interest to be single again. Hope dies last... When you really love someone, you're ready to accept a lot. If he...
  10. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Well I haven't seen so that's really only my view of it
  11. Elicia

    CSI:Las Vegas - Who's Your OTP??

    Well most of my Vegas ships sank miserably :( The only one left is Hodges/Wendy... I guess my all-time favorite was Sofia/Nick
  12. Elicia

    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    Hmm currently I guess my favorite OTP must be Flack/Angell. I really like those two and I really think they look perfect together. I used to like Danny/Lindsay, but last season kinda killed my liking for that pair.
  13. Elicia

    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Well I won't try to find out when I last posted here, but I guess it was some time ago :guffaw:No I haven't forgotten about EC, I'm still a Hip Hugger, I still write some EC stories (even though I probably need some kicking for better results ;)). Today I thought I would give my 5 cts on the...
  14. Elicia

    CSI:Miami - Who's Your OTP??

    My OTP on Miami has been Eric/Calleigh and this from the very beginning of the series. I always thought they looked great together. If I should choose another couple, I'd say Horatio/Stetler. I saw see love and concern in Stetler's eyes :guffaw: I used to like Valera/Ryan, but I don't see it...
  15. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl Aww I love those pics. We need more porn out there. This summer hiatus has been going on for way too long :lol: I think Calleigh would call him Babe, it's funny because I'm not sure what Eric would call her :lol: Something short and...
  16. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl You know way too much about my private life :lol: This sounds like a fun interview. You better decypher what you're missing 'cause I definitely want to know ;) And put it up on your site :D But it's kinda true, Emily wanted Cal to...
  17. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Island

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #23 -- This Ship Is Sailing To Booty Isl Wow I'm gone for some days (okay so 5 days) and I come back to a new thread (great title by the way :D) and tons of posts. How am I supposed to follow you? :lol: You really had great discussions but they are too long gone for me to...
  18. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    I'm not sure Jake thinks that far away. The guy strikes me as someone who is interested in instant gratification. He felt like kissing Cal and did it. I'm not certain that having Eric close by played a part. It was merely an added bonus :lol: He is so overconfident that I doubt that he sees...
  19. Elicia

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    Well there is one thing to keep in mind... Adam and Emily are both HipHuggers, so they are bound to show us things the way we want it... So maybe that's why the kiss was not that passionate and the long look they exchanged was. It doesn't mean it was actually written that way in the script. Same...