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  1. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    If that was a bump i really dont wanna see what a serious obstacle in this relationship is :rolleyes::eek: i am either losing it or the writers really decided that noone cares about coherence in this what the heck...well do whatever we want... to be honest i wouldnt put it past...
  2. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    First of all. The only person i ship Danny with right now is Freddy Kruger. Now that seems like a match made in heaven....but maybe Freddy is a bit too good for Mr Messer :rolleyes: and can i say i agree with what you say as far as this is concerned yeap that is how much mad i am...
  3. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag! Please guys go to this link and show your dissaproval of what happened. Even if nothing changes it is a good thing to be heard, and for CBS to see how many people were turned off from what happened. Now on to the case. Can i just...
  4. Dims

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!" Hi guys :) can i just say that i love Linds with Flack...they are so funny together...cuteness overload (in the strictest non romantical way..ofcourse ;) ) slowly becoming tired of anything romantic related and all the...
  5. Dims

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    i also was wondering about the fresh start from Danny & Rikki.... it also sounds to me that they are starting fresh together....the way it was worded it doesnt sound they start afresh each on their own. so if that is the case and Rikki with Danny decide to get together in a new relationship...
  6. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    Because i really like you Gaelen and i love your posts i will try to stay optimistic however...i didnt know that
  7. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    hello guys :) i had managed to be quite calm about the upcoming ep ...which impressed me since im quite a spontaneous person ....and thought that the hell with it...maybe there is a bump but i refuse to believe Danny will do sth very very cant be.... and then the extended promo...
  8. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    As Gaelen very eloquently always states.... my posts stand in relation to my assuption from the promo that Danny does the dirty thing with the grieving mother and Linds's monologue is given because he tells her sth bad. if none of the above happens then by all means i will accept my false...
  9. Dims

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    I admire those who with great conviction claim it is Danny with Linds or Rikki. I cant even understand if the guy is Danny let alone understand who the woman is...and ive tried!!! nomatter who it is though....i hope that if this is indeed the grieving mother (:guffaw::rolleyes:) this is the...
  10. Dims

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    hello all :) im a new DuCaine fan....i used to only watch the CSI-new York and im a Dan/Linds fan but a month ago i saw one Miami ep in my gym and fell in love with DuCaine immediately. It was an ep from which season i do not know but there was this guy on the top of a building that was just...
  11. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    im in complete agreement with this specific statement. even if they were not officially together...for all we know...they were def friends with benefits and from Dannys look in the promo when Linds tells him she is in love with him, i get the vibe he is sorry for doing sth he...
  12. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    Hi everyone :) im not the one to do the optimistic speculation..usually but in this occassion id like to add another perspective. i havent checked CSI in awhile got a bit bored of the non existent Danny/Lindsay relationship they were showing but i was checking your thread and also what is...
  13. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Hey guys! im sorry if im interrupting the whole positive atmosphere of this thread but im quite irked and i wanna vent a bit... RANT i know that it is quite rare for the CSIs to show any romantic soap opera stuff and i dont expect that but im quite dissapointed with the way Danny/Lindsay...
  14. Dims

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    Hey guys :) Mandy ur enthusiasm is so cute i cant help not answer! :lol: 'my name is...'? to onoma mou einai 'Pleased to meet you'? xairomai pou se gnorizo if u happen to see Melina close and personal throw her one of the above sentences...u need one of those to break the ice ;) Athens im...
  15. Dims

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    Can i ask sth? why is the character Aiden appearing on the recurring character list?hasnt she been killed off?im asking cause i have only watched CSI through youtube so i have missed some stuff....
  16. Dims

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    :lol: Mandy u actually did pretty good! except two things ;) calista does not exactly have that meaning any pretty much means better now. for well or good we use the word kala:) and the panemorfh boukles is partially correct as panemorfh is in singular and bookles is plural...the...
  17. Dims

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    :lol: mandy u are correct with the words u put ;) as for the words u asked... thank you: efxaristo curls: boukles gorgeous: panemorfh lovely: aksiagaphth sexy: sexy :D olive oil: elaiolado and the words from the show murder:fonos crime scene: topos tou egklhmatos (we translate it scene of...
  18. Dims

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    No problem!!! Well the whole dialogue is not very different from what was posted earlier! Stella:Where have you been my friend?U are thinking of sth and i know u want to tell me about it that is the exact dialogue and in greek it would be written edited cause i wrote it in greek but...
  19. Dims

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    Hey guys :) I know you pretty much translated the dialogue but sth was left out..actually Stella tells him ..."sth is bugging you and i know you want to tell me about it" (im from greece so i thought id help :D )
  20. Dims

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Hey everybody! Congrats on our new thread!!!I just love them..great pics everybody and lets keep the loving!!!! I like very much all the news i hear...and lets hope things will continue like that!!!! :D