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  1. ilh214


    when i got my license 3 years ago you only had to have your permit for 6 months and then take the driving test. the license was about $12 i think. last year they passed a law in kentucky that you have to keep your permit for a year. this was a good change and probably one that should have gone...
  2. ilh214

    Learning spanish

    ^thats cute. i'll have to try and remember that. i bought some of those "learn spanish in your car!!" cds, idk if it will help or not but it couldn't possibly hurt. i would prefer not to be completely clueless when classes start in 2 weeks.
  3. ilh214

    Let's Talk Gay

    hi csi_fan18! :) i like the word dyke but not bull dyke. i hate that term and i hate being called that, i'm not even anywhere near being a bull dyke nor do i wish to be. i've decided i also don't like the labels 'femme' and 'butch' because i find it wrong to have your personality summed up in...
  4. ilh214

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Winners Up! congrats to the winners!! :)
  5. ilh214

    Photography Competition: CSI - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: CSI 09 02 05
  6. ilh214

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    my very first fan vid :D Horatio/Speed
  7. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Berylla Nienna and Patricia- those are gorgeous! i <3 yelina hotness. :D Kit4na- the 2nd one w/ H, Eric and Alexx is beautiful. you are awesome. Ms. Boa Vista lives over here at my LJ
  8. ilh214

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide i have a problem that you wonderful people may be able to help me with. everything i save as a .gif is freakin huge. even with the quality lowered (not that i want it to look like that) its too big. its making my head hurt. any ideas?
  9. ilh214

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 16 - RESULTS! beginner: 10 05 04 advanced: 02 09 03 they are all gorgeous!!! great job guys. :)
  10. ilh214

    Sleep with, Marry, Date , or be friends with

    sleep with: Valera. she's cute as a button and i bet she's kinky :p date: Calleigh, she's super sweet and gorgeous. and southern women make me go weak in the knees. marry: since this is all in fantasy land and in my fantasy land i'm allowed to marry a chick, i'm gonna go with Natalia. because...
  11. ilh214

    Welcome And Goodbye, All Crazy Artists!

    howdy!! i'm stef and i'm 19. broadcasting student from kentucky and i work in a radio station. i've been making icons for about 6 months. its become an addiction. thats right, photoshop is my crack. i make mostly csi miami icons with the occasional batch of Big Love icons. i join like every...
  12. ilh214

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    i didn't know that about her name. thats really cool. i think i know what your talking about. the QD chick, Cynthia, right? i've come to the conclusion that we as fans are on a need to know basis concerning Natalia's past and apparently TPTB thinks we don't need to know. hopefully we'll learn...
  13. ilh214

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #15: Voting! congrats to the winners!! :)
  14. ilh214

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    theres really nothing to go on. she doesn't have an accent. that gives calleigh and frank away, you couldn't very well say they were from michigan or something. back in the day horatio had a hint of a ny accent but he lost it along the way. maybe it will be part of a case in the future. some...
  15. ilh214

    Dirty Jobs

    yep. he was with the Baltimore Opera. and i love mythbusters. adam and jamie are freakin awesome. but kari totally makes the show worth watching :D i would love that job. getting to blow stuff up for a living, where do i sign up?
  16. ilh214

    Dirty Jobs

    thats awesome! what does your dad do?
  17. ilh214

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    Hairspray i didn't know if i was going to like it because i loved the original sooooooo much. i mean, you just can't beat John Waters but this one was really really awesome. i found myself comparing it to the 88' verion the entire time but i couldn't help it. Chris Walken was awesome, he did a...
  18. ilh214

    Dirty Jobs

    i LOVE dirty jobs. mike rowe is awesome. he does some nas-tay jobs that i wouldn't come within a mile of and he does it with a sense of humor.
  19. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To that woman (i hate saying her name...) told eric that horatio was a completely different person away from work so i'm thinking the tough and emotionless thing goes on with the badge. perhaps away from work he's playful...funny even...
  20. ilh214

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    i looked on the website and theres nothing about where she came from on her bio. i'm sure all ya'll knew that though. they give some sort of background about where they came from and such about the other characters, why not natalia? maybe she's from miami. her sisters live there so thats a...