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  1. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    i think it would be quite funny to see an elephant jump. okay, i guess its my turn. theres one day of the year that people make more personal phone calls in the us than any other day, what day is that?
  2. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To i'm dragging this thread back out because i was in the store yesterday and i saw something that made me think of horatio & natalia :D YUM! 20 more days!! maybe then we'll have something to talk about in here...i can disect a 15...
  3. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    oooh i love trivia!! 95% of my sentances in RL start with "did you know..." i'm tempted to say white men but....i'm gonna go with elephant?
  4. ilh214

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Winners Up! 16 27 18
  5. ilh214

    Room Escape

    that was really cool. i just got out! woo! the passwords really tripped me up for a while but i finally got it. those types of games totally drive me crazy until i figure it out. thank god i got out or i never would have went to sleep. :p
  6. ilh214

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 18 Beginner: 10 09 16 Intermediate: 08 12 01 Advanced: 07 13 17
  7. ilh214

    Quiz Thread #3

    got the common cents one on the first try. i had no idea who that guy was and the answer probably would have been my very last choice.
  8. ilh214

    Calming Songs

    no matter whats wrong, if i'm upset or sad the Elton John album "Tumbleweed Connection" on vinyl (the cd works too but it isn't the same) always makes me feel better. some of them aren't slow or soothing but the combination of all of them always has the power to calm me down. Ballad Of A...
  9. ilh214

    Let's Talk Gay

    its been a while since i've been in here! okay, Mia, that pamplet thing is kinda freaky but really funny. quoth, thats great that your family is supporting you :) for some reason i started calling other gay people i didn't know "family" and its caught on with my real family and my friends...
  10. ilh214

    Icon Challenge #24 - Charlie and the Choco... - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #24 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory thank you! and congrats to the other winners :) you guys did an awesome job.
  11. ilh214

    Photography Competition:Serie shoot & Abandoned- WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Serie shoot & Abandoned 09 06 03
  12. ilh214

    Calleigh&&Natalia #01 - Simultaneous Release

    i love Calleigh and Natalia together!! they're both smart, determined, strong, ass-kickin women. :D and they're hot. whats not to love? i think they're really good friends and probably need eachother, being the only chick CSIs. so they're like BFF and have sleepovers and watch movies, do...
  13. ilh214

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 [ 18 x Newsradio ] [ 08 x Kids in the Hall ] [ 04 x Strange Brew ] [ 08 x Edward Scissorhands ] more here
  14. ilh214

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    i made about 20 eva/nat icons. they are at my lj. there's also a few with any other batch of miami icons i've made but those are all her. :) i won't be home on thursday so i'll miss csi, also missing the promo (if they show it). grrrrr. i'm dyin over here. monday night i will be glued to the...
  15. ilh214

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    ooh go Hush! you're turn. :D
  16. ilh214

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    thanks! :) x: occupational hazard
  17. ilh214

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Horatio to Stetler in The Oath
  18. ilh214

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 18 just sent mine in :)
  19. ilh214

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Winners Up! decided to enter at the last minute. just sent mine in :)
  20. ilh214

    CSI Miami Therapy

    yay!! i've so missed this. that was excellent! and i totally read it with my shipper goggles on. big suprise there, huh? We're police officers, we can do what we want. :lol: i love that. thanks lilly!