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  1. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    i love those books! and i definately agree, i wish they would put some of those on the screen. they really give a more in depth look into H's character. we don't get that on the show anymore. i felt really bad for his character in An Officer and a Gentleman. i just wanted to hug him! it was...
  2. ilh214

    CSI: Miami on Uncyclopedia

    that was soooo wrong and soooo funny. the episode list cracked me up. thats just fantastic. i feel really bad for laughing at it...especially the picture of marisol. actually, just the caption. i shouldn't laugh at that but i couldn't help it. if i wasn't going to hell before i surely am now.
  3. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    I didn't like the "i've lost everything" line either but i'm guessing i'd say whatever i had to if someone had a gun on me. he's lost a lot but definately not everything. it sounds like they do/write whatever they want and then if the fans aren't happpy they try to justify it after the fact...
  4. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    i know! its so frustrating that he rarely does anything. i love Horatio, i have since i started watching and i have this undying hope that he'll snap out of it. i'm like the family member of someone in a coma. you know the chances aren't great but you just can't pull the plug. thats me, i'm not...
  5. ilh214

    Where you from?

    did you know that a few months ago they passed a bill that made bluegrass the official music of kentucky? i cracked up when i read that. they need to find better things to do with their time up in frankfort. i'm from central ky too! lake cumberland! but now i live in western ky. boo. oh well...
  6. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    ericloca is right, it was in Leave it to Beaver.
  7. ilh214

    CSI:LV Icon Chall.Thread - Ch.#19 - Sara Sidle ~ Now Open!

    Re: CSI:LV Icon Challenge Thread - Challenge #1 - Voting ! 14 18 02
  8. ilh214

    Quiz Thread #3

    Pets Gone Wild - 6/9
  9. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    ^ :lol: on what tv show was the first toliet ever shown?
  10. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    coca cola?
  11. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To i know! throughout the whole scene he keeps inching closer to her. actions speak louder than words and their body language is saying "i want to rip your clothes off" or something close to that.
  12. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To haha you can't blame the guy! natalia is like a tractor beam of hotness. he's only human (well, thats actually debatable these days)
  13. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To'm trying to resist the urge to brutally defend our ship (that kind of made me sound like a pirate *giggle*) okay, i'm over it. that pic is so cute. :D my favoritest scene ever. i quite like this one...
  14. ilh214

    Panic attacks

    i used to have panic attacks almost daily but now they've slowed down to maybe one every few months. this is a big improvement to me. my problem were large groups of people. crowded stores, the hallways at school, band competitions. that was a big big problem...since i was in band. it could...
  15. ilh214

    Quiz Thread #3

    cereal - 7/15 and now i really want some cap'n crunch
  16. ilh214

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear # 3~

    :lol: that is too funny. i'm gonna give this a try... H: You know how I know you're gay? Eric: How? H: You like the movie "Maid in Manhatten" Eric: You know how I know you're gay? H: How? Eric: I saw you make a spinach dip in a loaf of sour dough bread once. H: You know how I know you're...
  17. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    ^^that makes a lot of sense. yep, your turn to post one :)
  18. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    all great guesses but lostladyknight is correct. it is mothers day. :)
  19. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To i agree, the writers don't need to be agressive about it. put them in the same room together and they'll shine :) i'm glad other people are noticing, you just can't deny that something is there between them. ty i dig your icon. yay...
  20. ilh214

    Anyone on Myspace?

    calihan, i deleted you by accident b/c i forgot who you were :( sorry dude. i added you back.