Search results

  1. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To there definitely needs to be some signs of life in here after mondays episode! we got the first little H/N talk since last season...the interaction between those two was fantastic, it made my whole week.
  2. ilh214

    Best Season Finale

    i'm gonna go with '10-7'. there was a a lot going on but it still all came together and wonderfully done. there was a lot of excitement and suspense with it even though by now i've lost that 'ah-hah!' moment when we find out it was hagan with the gun and that raymond didn't get shot AGAIN. it...
  3. ilh214

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    hey ladies! i've been gone for so long but DC is still pretty much the center of my universe. =D s6 Horatio has revived my love for the show. he's wearing some lighter colors, he's more human and i've even caught a couple of real live facial expressions! its been wondermous. i finally got...
  4. ilh214

    Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

    okay so i'm not new or anything but i've been gone for quite a while. RL has finally settled down some and i've decided to rejoin the land of miamites (is that a word??) anyway...hi guys!!!
  5. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    its been a reeeallly long time since i've been here but RL has been kickin' my ass. anyway, on with the icons! more from 'Cyber-lebrity' 'Dangerous Son' batch
  6. ilh214

    Episode #601: 'Dangerous Son' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    i was way too excited about the show coming back to be disappointed in any way. i swear, the episode was so great i had to go smoke a cigarette after it was over. i'd get into it but i just can't seem to do anything other than squee because i got to see H. i'll have to watch it again and then...
  7. ilh214

    What Are Your Other Favourite Fandoms?

    1. What other TV shows do you really like (past or present)? Big Love, Newsradio, WKRP In Cincinnati, The Kids In The Hall 2. Do you collect merchandise/memorabilia for any of these shows? If so, what do you have? Newsradio- all the seasons on dvd, KITH- "Brain Candy" movie and soundtrack, Head...
  8. ilh214

    Photography Competition: Water - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Water 10 12 05
  9. ilh214

    Let's Talk Gay #3

    i was too chicken to call her but i sent her a message on myspace. :p i know...its lame. anyway, we're going to get together on tuesday. thanx for the advice ashley, i'll be sure to leave out the part about babies. i found out that she's bi...hmmm. not that i have a problem with bi people, i've...
  10. ilh214

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Winners Up! thank you! congrats to Adzix, Megan and Ann :) and thanks for running the challenge Lilly.
  11. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    heres my entries from the challenge too
  12. ilh214

    Let's Talk Gay #3

    i don't watch reality tv, its all really stupid to me. its an interesting concept though. i might watch it for about 10 minutes because thats how long my attention span for reality shows is. :p oh yeah, new thread! woo! i met a girl. an adorable, funny, smart girl. but i have a problem. (of...
  13. ilh214

    Trivia Game

    65 years?
  14. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    of course you can athens :)
  15. ilh214

    CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    22 Horatio Icons 08 Horatio/Speed Icons the rest are at my LJ
  16. ilh214

    Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. Toot!

    Re: Horatio/Natalia #1 - All Aboard The USS Orange Crush. To i think the rumors played a part in it too and there are other relationships being explored so it would be waaay too soap opera-ish if they tried to pair up everybody. also, horatio has all kinds of drama being thrown at him this...
  17. ilh214

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 18 thank you!! congrats to all the winners and thanks for running a great challenge Kat.
  18. ilh214

    Which CSI: Miami character are you? take the quiz!!!!

    You are Horatio Caine. You're the bold and courageous leader, like a hero from the stories of old. You care deeply for the world around you and the people in it, always putting your all into the work you do. YAY! i love H. (haha thats my name, didn't realize it until after i wrote it *dork*)...
  19. ilh214

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    thanks for posting those pics calleighspeedle! the first one is cute and the thats all i need to say. the third one kind of scares me...that hair. um...yeah, ok. still goreous though! :D