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    Who Said It? #2

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    CSI: Hangman #7

    For my last guess, I would like to request A
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    CSI: Hangman #7

    N, pretty please!
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    What is your favorite CSI character?

    Today, my students played "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" so the $1 million question was "Who is Ms. L's favorite CSI character?" Their choices were Horatio Caine, Gil Grissom, Ryan Wolfe, and Mac Taylor. One very intelligent young lady got it right...Horatio Caine. :-) Las Vegas: Gil...
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    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A: bear trap B: whack-a-mole
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Brass: As I just learned, there's a moral to this story... Cath: What's that? Gil: When the van's a rockin', don't come a knockin'
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Regarding the question asked: I had to pick Jonathan from SU2. It seems like Jonathan (SU2) knows as much useless information as I friends are always teasing me about how much I know about history. I am such a nerd myself that I find Jonathan's adorkableness (I love that word!)...
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    Who Said It?

    Was it Frank? This is a tough one!
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    My meeting ran long...shoot, and I had the perfect CaRWash photo too! Maybe I'll be faster next time! Congrats to you too, Drumchik!
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    *pointing to billboard for new video, "Cops Gone Wild" Guy: Uh, excuse me, ma'am, but is that you? Catherine: Vartann, exactly what did you do with those pictures we took last weekend? Vartann: I knew I shouldn't have asked Greg for help with my camera!
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    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    H: Frank, do you think I'm standing here because I'm pretty? Frank: *dancing & singing* "H. feels pretty, oh, so pretty..." H: Thank you, Maria
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Gil: Look at this new diagram from "Bug Digest." Think that's possible for humans? LH: Oh, yes, it looks like our next Karma Sutra lesson...ready, Gil?
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    What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

    My favorite has to be Horatio's "Trust but verify." It means a lot to me personally...I went through a rough time of "trust issues" and one night I heard Horatio say that, it just hit me in a totally different light. Now it's like a mantra for me. I guess it's just "Philosophy on Life" 101...
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    What's on your Ipod?

    I love my pink mini...I honestly don't think I could live without it. I like to just call it Pod, like we're old friends...haha. I've got everything from praise music to rock, to jazz and classical, a very ecclectic mix. I would say the artists with the most songs would be the Beatles (my...
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    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Hi, I'm Amy. I live in Virginia, currently a student teacher/ adjunct professor. I started with CSI Vegas when it first came on the air, but I love CSI: Miami the most. I absolutely adore Horatio. I haven't watched a lot of CSI: New York, but I did have the opportunity to see Gary Sinise at...
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    Thread Titles Rules - UP'D 10/01/08 - PLEASE READ!!

    Re: Thread Titles - All Posters Please Read and Respond!!! read and totally agree with you
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Warrick: "You want me to do WHAT with that?!!" Catherine: *rolls eyes at Warrick and looks at the dummy* "Oh, I've got plans for you..."
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    Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

    Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th I guess DC as an English teacher gives a whole new meaning to "hot for teacher." Two long did he teach? and what pushed him to become an actor instead of a teacher? I've not read a lot of interviews, so this is all...