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    Love Hurts (CaRWash - sequel to Match Maker)

    *marks Calleigh off her "to tell off" list* Goody! Nice ending...
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    Love Hurts (CaRWash - sequel to Match Maker)

    *raises hand* I volunteer to comfort Ryan!
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    Love Hurts (CaRWash - sequel to Match Maker)

    First Calleigh goes mental on the show, and now in the stories too! *runs screaming* just kidding...good work, but please let her realize who's good for her. *begs* Pretty please?
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    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only! katpin, thanks for trying! I guess I'll just have to wait until Miami Style gets the "Born to Kill" ones up. Thanks!
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    CSI Miami Therapy

    Thank you for bridging the gap between Speedle and Ryan...a lot of people don't include them both. They sacrifice Ryan for Speedle or vice versa, and you've made both sets of fans happy. Thank you...
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    *pops in and waves* Hi all, I'm back from a week at Williamsburg and Jamestown for the big 400th anniversary. I go away for a week, miss one episode, and Calleigh goes crazy on me. *sigh* I can no longer take a vacation during the regular season, ever again. Thanks to all those keeping the...
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Griss: So what do we have here? Cath: *hiding ring under table* Nothing, absolutely nothing. Warrick: We were uh, just working. Griss: Musical wives is not working, Warrick. Cath: *blushes*
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    Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

    101 Reasons Not to Use a Helicopter Shot in an Episode by Ann Donahue Being a Gentleman: Keys to Dating by Jake Berkeley Twinkle Toes: My Life as a Ballerina by Frank Tripp
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    CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

    A. tree growing in Brooklyn B. feather boas
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    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only! I would love a decent screencap of Horatio at the end of "Born to Kill". I love the images that recall the "Rio" episode.
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    Love Hurts (CaRWash - sequel to Match Maker)

    LOL! They are so hilarious together! Keep up the good work!
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    CSI:Miami Answering Machines. What would they say??

    H: Hello, I am Lieutenant Horatio Caine. The number on my business card is ###-###-####. If you ever need someone to talk to about your personal tragedy, please give me a call. Delko's: *Ryan's voice* Hi, Delko's not here right now, because it's "Delko time." If you're female and...
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    Episode #524 'Born To Kill' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I think I must be one of the few people that liked the episode. I didn't care for Stetler's presence, but I think he's pure evil, so that's just me.... As someone who has taken a couple of film classes, I thought the scene at the end was very remniscient of the opening scene of "Rio" and a...
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    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut What if it's not Natalia with the kid? How would the timing run for Yelina and Ray to have had another child? I can't believe that she would avoid telling Horatio, but if she didn't want to hurt him... Just throwing a theory out...
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    Family First (sequel to And Baby Makes Three) CaRWash

    *bawling* Sequels good idea...*sniff* I can't take it...Calleigh's gone. Poor Ian...Poor Ryan...poor Barney! *sobs*
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    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A. a Disney channel movie B. Margarita salt
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    And Baby Makes Three (sequel to Then Comes Marriage) CaRWash

    Re: And Baby Makes Three (sequel to Then Comes Marriage) CaR Ryan should call the baby, especially when Ian cries at the mention of Horatio's name.
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    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A. Lindsay B. Tomato juice (like when you've been exposed to a skunk)
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    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Hrockz, thank you! I will definitely use them! I love them! *drools over Ryan in orange* He's so pretty! Thank you so much!
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    Love and its Consequences(sequel to Keep me Hanging on)! It's so hard for me to imagine H this cruel! He's such a meanie! But you're doing an excellent job!