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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Everyone should run, yes, run, and read Nikki's story! *giddy claps* There's nothing like a CaRWash fic to brighten up a dreary day! carla, Thanks for the poke. My creative juices are finally flowing again, and I'm getting back to writing. We're going to be out of town for a couple of...
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    Who Said It? #2

    Oh Horatio, my beloved Horatio?
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    CSI Miami Therapy

    It's Friday...weekend brain hadn't allowed me to get that far... :lol:
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    CSI Miami Therapy

    Could the "David" reference have anything to do with the actor playing Stetler? :)
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    Name The Episode #2

    "Big Brother"?
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    CSI Miami Therapy

    Calleigh has feelings for Ryan! *giddy dance around the computer* Thanks for making my day! *skipping through the house*
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    CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

    Wednesday's Responses: A. Bananas B. Greg & Catherine Thursday's Responses: A. Dr. Phil Fan Club B. Dancing
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    Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

    Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP! I have to agree with you ladies about the suits...I love the lighter colored ones. I can handle the black suits, but if TPTB are listening *crosses fingers*, please, please, please get rid of that horrible black striped shirt! I...
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    Poll Time! Vote For Your Favourite Episodes 2007

    I voted for: #201 "Blood Brothers" (Everyone's's all about Clavo) #501 "Rio" (That is one of the most beautifully directed episodes I've seen...the imagery from "Rio" is haunting, especially the opening scene with Horatio at the Christ statute) #302 "Pro Per" (For some, this is the...
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    CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

    A. Rodeo clown B. Caesar's palace
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    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge CSI:Miami - ch #14 ~ A Smile Says It All 22 38 29
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    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    Yet another Old MacDonald... *Calleigh walks in with a flamethrower* Cal: Lunch, did someone say lunch?
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    Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

    Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP! Laci I agree with ilh214, the scene you're looking for is in "Pro Per." It's the one episode lull between "Lost Son," where we lose Speed, and "Under the Influence" with the arrival of Ryan. I'm catching up on DVR stuff, so I just...
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    Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

    It's a toss-up between spiky and long and shaggy. The spiky look he had at the end of season five was very attractive, but I've always liked guys who have that kind of rock star or nerdy boy look with their hair a little longer and shaggy. Of course, Jon would look great even if he shaved his...
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    CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

    A. Oprah B. Pie Sorry I haven't been keeping up with these better!
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    Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

    Being an Effective Leader--How to Get Your Employees to Love You by Rick Stetler
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    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    skylar and hrockz, I snagged a couple of Wolfe and H. Great work!
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    I think you all are totally right with Ryan feeling left out. It does seem like everyone forgot about him after Eric got shot. Perhaps he turned to gambling to handle the stress of Eric being shot and Calleigh's leaning toward Eric? Hmm...I think I smell a fanfic topic there. *handing out...