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  1. S

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    :brickwall::brickwall:OMG! THis is the most depressing news Ive gotten ALL WEEK! I was sooooo hyped up after the last Few Episodes and THIS is what it comes down to???NOOOOOOOOOO:scream::scream: IM HATING THE TPTB right now. HATE!!!! I Seriously agree with you! Im soo angry right now too! I...
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    Hey Guys! Mind if I join in here?:) I can't wait for this next episode now!!eeeek! Thankyou Messers Fan for the sneek peek clip:):thumbsup: I also hope that Adam and Lindsay would be in more episodes:rolleyes: I really hate it when they take turns missing an episode.....ah well gotta wait...
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    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    LOL! I would definately wanna see Stella kicking the Virus while cursing in Greek! The expression on the virus's face would be priceless! I bet Mac would be laughing his head off or somthing.:lol: Ya know, like cheering for Stella...
  4. S

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hey Guys:) Im totally into CSI:NY! Ive been around here for a while, so I finally decided to join... I love every character, but my fave characters are Stella, Lindsay, Danny and Flack:) It looks pretty good here and I think im gonna have a fun time discussing my FAVOURITE show of all time...
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    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Thanks so much everyone for the Welcome:) Why can't it be wednesday yet??:mad: I noticed it too, that there seemd to be something more when they were talking with Craig...something more.... When I first watched this epi I was like ????:confused: but then as I watched it more and more times...
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    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    okayy, so I saw the promo for 6.12 a while ago, and Im thinking it might have some smacked in it??? becausein the epi's summary it says something like- "Mac becomes unwillingly involved in the domestic life of a long-time friend and associate" Im guessing that its Stella, so I think its gonna be...
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    Grade 'Second Chances'

    Hey Guys! I thought that this epi was okay, but deifinately not the best, but it wasn't horrible....although it kinda got boring in the middle, but, the ending just brightened me up!!! Flack, Danny, Lindsay and Hawkes just made me laugh, they were soo cuteeeee (although I wonder how Sid & Adam...
  8. S

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Hey Guys! I just joined this website, so mind if I join in here? I seriously love this show! and my fave couple is definately SMacked! :adore: They were just ment to be together !!!!! b/c the first few days I started watching CSI:NY (about a year ago) i thought that Stella and Mac were already...