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  1. S

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    on which site???? theres a lot of different variations depending on the site...but ive read a lot so......yeah
  2. S

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    o ok stupid :lol: ...thxs BabaOReilly!! :)
  3. S

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    What is the episode where greg is doing that burn victim....this should be clear in my head but we all get our blanks..right?..........right?
  4. S

    GREG Quotes

    omg elisaxcore! thank you so much!! you just saved mah life! lol
  5. S

    How old are most CSI fans?

    yeah im just 12 and probably the youngest one here....when i first saw csi i was 10.....
  6. S

    GREG Quotes

    can sum1 ppllllllzz tell me wht epi tht was frum?? if i don find out im gon die!!!
  7. S

    GREG Quotes

    idk if this was already posted or what epi this was frum, but here ya go..... Gil Grissom So, let's see. You surf, you scuba dive. You're into latex, you like fashion models and Marilyn Manson. And you also have a coin collection? Greg Sanders Weird, ha? Gil GrissomWell, I race cockroaches...