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    Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

    *sigh* So, stupid Content Barrier won't let me into the Carmine thread, probably because of the 'porn' in the title. Oh well. :rolleyes: Pretty off-topic but I thought I'd ask here, cuz, well, this is a thread about Carmine Giovinazzo, is it not? ;) Anyway, the new TV Guide got me thinking...
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    need a little help if you can

    ared85, here is the link that GGgirl1 was talking about, just to make things a bit easier. :) The "I need help with this specific game" Thread
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    Does anyone know a release date?

    Re: Greg Sanders: Will He Retreat Back To The Lab?? There is a Season Seven spoiler lab here already, where the topic of Greg and what happens to him in Season Seven is being discussed. :)
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Silhouette the term "Line of Fire" does mainly mean gunfire. :) That's why I said, if Greg's stuck in the line of fire, it's going to cause some major problems because, well, Greg doesn't carry a gun. Uh-oh.
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    wot 3 songs would you have at ur funeral?

    I'd love it for people to understand some of the things that I've thought about my whole life:: 1)Our Lives by The Calling And what the theme song for me and my seven other cousins (we love this song to death) 2)All Star by Smash Mouth And then a song the tells people that it's okay that i'm...
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    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    Violent your. back. :mad: *dun-dun-dunnnn* :o On another note....BRING ON THE FULL ARTICLE!! :)
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Well, the article said that Greg gets into the line of fire. Uh-oh. Greg don't carry no gun! :eek: Um, well this post was written when I was trying to get my eyes off that gorgeous pic. of Eric. Heavenly. *faints*
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    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    Yep, it's USA one. But it's weird..'cause my cousin has it, but the issue's from August 8th - ? . :confused: So, I dunno. Very...strange. :p But people are also looking forward to it in the Spoiler Lab. :)
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    Real Life Columnist Meets His Fate On 'CSI' Comic

    Yeah, I remember hearing something verrrry similar to this a few months back. ETA: Actually, the last post about the CSI comics was more generalized, this one's about the 'Johnston' person instead. This was the other, more general thread: Eight 'CSI' Comic Plot Revealed. :)
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    true vinyl

    Yeah no problemo! :) Oh, and just a little secret... ;) We get to see Ercy shirtless, and shirtless in water, no less. :devil:
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Yeah, come on newest-tvguide-owners. Spit it out. ...please? :lol:
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    true vinyl

    I've seen it. I also ordered it online...great deal! :) Awesome movie, you should really, really look forward to it...Eric does an amazing job portraying Billy T. His character is just :cool: Of course I won't give anything away right now for you. ;) But the movie's spectacular...
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    Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

    I absolutely hate the Fuccilo Ford commercials!! Especially the stupid 'red, white, and huge sale' ones. So annoying!!!!!! :mad:
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    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    Hey..guys? Did anybody happen to get the newest TVGuide? I don't get them..but I was talking to my cousin who has it, and she said that it has CSI hottys from all three CSI's on the cover...including Eric!!! AND she also said that there was an article in there about Eric and, get this, a...
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    got any brushes with CSI fame?

    :eek: :eek: So... jordan ... who's this friend of your's? ;) ...And her aunt? :p :lol:
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    it really makes me mad when.....

    uh, complain?? You want a thread where you can complain? Ok, first off, never complain. It's a waste of time, because somewhere, somebody has it worse than you do. Secondly, complaining, is childish. And why should we be complaining about what makes us mad? Do you really think that's...
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    Thanks fo_poozle! ^^haha, cool name! :cool: The episode last night was awesome! The way Sean got the reflection of the guy's fingers from the TV to the pot..and then from Gus! :eek: Genius! :cool: I'm trying to get my dad hooked on Psych, keeping him up to watch it. Tonight was his...
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    Ooh, please scan it? :) Psych is, like, the second best show in the whole world (next to CSI, that is ;) ) I love Sean so much, what a cutie! :devil: Dress shirts, COME BAAACK!!! I command you!! :lol:
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Oh, don't worry. That girlfriend idea, absolutely no offense to you, but it so isn't gonna work. :p and well that's because... psshhh, damn straight! :lol:
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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! haha thanks debje ! CSI_mania made it for me, as well as my banner! :D Wojo, how old are those pics? I remember the one where he's standing in front of the door...but never seen the other ones.... ...if they're can they...