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  1. S

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    ^^We have a picture thread for that here. ;)
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    Last nights episode was sooo :cool: ! The part where Shawn was flapping the book; hilarious! But even better, when Gus admitted he thought there was a ghost in his house! Shawn is superduperlooper funny! :lol: :lol: Ah, those priceless moments. :D
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    I loved last week's episode. It was awesome. ...The lady-that-almost-got-killed...her dress was waaaayyy to puffy though. :lol:
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Thirty-six days. That is so far away. *sigh*
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    ^^Hate to get off topic but..same here. If you got the links, well, you know how to PM. :p I'm all for angst. ;) I really hope that this season Greg doesn't get even more serious than he already is. I know that he's going to be dealing with some pretty heavy stuff, but I really don't want to...
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    E4.19 - Bad Words

    The girl's voice in 'Unusual Suspects' gave me nightmares! :( :p
  7. S

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    I can picture it now: Greg's driving in town with Marilyn Manson blasting through the speakers. :lol: I'm also curious as to how Greg and the man he saved will 'interact'. Should be interesting to see them if they do meet, as some of the spoilers hinted towards. :cool:
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Hm. We all know that Greg has kept this 'shaggy' hairdo for quite awhile now. What if him losing part of his hair provokes him to cut his hair shorter? It would be a necessary change, so he wouldn't have to parade around with part of his good 'ole locks gone. Plus, I think we could all use a...
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    Does anybody else think that Greg will be beaten like the cab driver was in tonight's Spike TV repeat of Blood Lust? I think it will be mostly the same; innocent man beaten by a group of people, and beaten badly. Only I think that since some spoilers state Greg was talking to Grissom in the...
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    Re: Farewells I don't think I'm gonna be here for a while...real life taking in (the bad side). :( I might come on and lurk for a bit, or maybe post once in a while, but that might be it for the time being. And I don't want you guys to think like I'm putting on a pity-party I just wanted some...
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    I'm in! Haha I guess I'm angst whore #3. :lol: It's weird sometimes, like I just want something bad to happen to the main characters. :rolleyes: Oh well. That's just me. :p
  12. S

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! :eek: :eek: NOoOoOoOoOoOo!!! "Content Barrier" won't let me see any of the pictures!!! NOoOoOoOooooooOOO!!! :eek: :mad:
  13. S

    Leggo My Greggo? Nooo...

    Guys, does it really matter? They both basically sound the same, plus Leggo my Greggo is just simpler and 'cooler' than 'let go my greg-o.' PLUS Leggo my Greggo goes along with the Eggo comercials. Makes it even awesomer. :lol: Seriously...let's just keep it the cooler and easier way. :p
  14. S

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! waaahh holy gamoly!! :eek: How did you get your hands on those awesome pics? :eek: Eric has an amazing house...and his kitchen looks spectacular!! He must have one BIG house. OT: Well, I guess that settles it between WP having a...
  15. S

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    Just tonight, I went out and rented the DVD "The Notebook." Awesome video!! :eek: sooo sad though!! :( And then when Allie remembered after the story was finished, and then she didnt! :( :( But it was a very very good movie. :)
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    Back in business! - Email Carmine Giovinazzo

    Hey guys!! Sorry I'm a bit late, but... THANK-YOU for all your help in the pronunciation! :) Confusing, but I think I got it right this time. :D *sigh* I wish Eric Szmanda had an email address open to fans. Oh well.
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    Contact Thread

    My new AIM screen name is laughattack159. :D
  18. S

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    You know, fanfics and all this talk about "Stalker" really get into my head. So, I was thinking...what if Nigel Crane came back? Like, what if this time, he knows he can't go after Nick right away, so he goes after Greg? ...Just something to 'ponder' about. <muahaha> :lol:
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    Syracuse, NY

    I'm from near that area...kinda. :lol: I live in Latham...only about a short drive away though. :D *Edit* I guess only the select few get the honor of living in this area. :lol: :p
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    true vinyl

    Yeah before, I tried looking in Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, FYE, anything!! They didnt have it. And in all places we asked the "clerk helpers" And everytime they asked if they were obscene movies. I was like 'huh?' and then they all told me they were 'movies that aren't popular that...