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    Holiday Card Swap!

    I mailed mine off on Saturday. I'll apologise in advance for them not being 1) the best/cutest cards that are out there, and 2) for them not being like incredibly long messages and all that. I've been so super busy and crammed with finals and some other stuff that if I hadnt thrown them at my...

    Holiday Card Swap!

    ^^^ ditto to that one. I'm not affectionate in the whole 'OMG I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN YEARS (even though its been 3 hours) SO LETS HUG AND JUMP UP AND DOWN AND GO CRAZY' , yeah, thats totally not me. But, I do call people 'sweetie', and 'hun' a lot - just comes from working as a lifeguard/medic...

    Holiday Card Swap!

    ^^^ he he... :) Yeah, I realized halfway through writing out the cards that I was going to write something in Hebrew, so, yeah, I just was like.. well. whatever, so, some of you may have Hebrew, some may not, I'll finish the rest tommorrow and we'll see if I remember to write it in or not. Oh...

    Holiday Card Swap!

    Since I'm jewish I'll probably be putting something like, 'Gut Yontiff, L'Shanah Tovah' basically it means Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year, In Hebrew. :) I'll be mailing my cards out on Thursday hopefully.

    Holiday Card Swap!

    Jorja you're crazy girl. I have to admit I'm not a HUGE shop-a-holic, I mean, dont get me wrong, I have my times when I go absolutley insane in the mall, but, specific-wise, theres nothing that I really go crazy on, I've got so many pairs of flip flops and chucks that I think I could provide...

    Holiday Card Swap!

    Congrats on the job lookaboomerang !! I just got another job too, and I hopefully will be getting a scholarship to a new college for next year ::crosses fingers:: only the next few months will tell... ::does a happy dance:: I'm dreading what will happen if I loose the Scholarship though... eek...

    Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

    I have to say that I'm happy TPTB didnt try and write Anna's pregnancy into the show. I dont think it would have been a very smart move on their part, and then in terms of the character - it just wouldnt have worked. Hopefully, she wont miss that many episodes, from what it sounds like, and from...

    Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

    yeah, its something like if you carry the weight higher its a boy, if its lower its a girl. Honestly, I go back and forth about it. Some moments I see her with a boy, others, I seea girl, all I hope is that its healthy.

    Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

    Thanks for all the congrats... :) Yeah, its either Montana or Wyoming. I'll find out after this weekend... big rodeo coming up. So, are we going to have a poll on what Anna is having. A boy or girl?? I say boy... :)

    Holiday Card Swap!

    ^^^ I'm down for that... :) No, theres nobody freakish here, I've met some of you gals and everyone was awesome... great idea lookaboomerang. And I'm totally cool with the whole including screen names with addresses.

    Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

    its honestly been forever and a day since I've posted in here, and even now, its like 'wow, got 500 things to get done' so, anyway, I just thought I'd toss out there a ltitle tid-bit of info on Colleges in Montana and where Lindsay probably went to school. From what I've found and seen in the...

    Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

    ^^^^ mmmhmmm, I loved her smile when she put in that 'classy' line to the SG. I think one of my fav Lindsay moments (Aside from the bow and arrow scene) is Her little 'experiment' in Dancing with the Fishes... I loved the line 'who wants to play?' and then she rubs that odor screen on Macs...

    Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

    Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties you can open clubs through myspace, as far as I know. And you can obviously make personal myspaces, I have one for Anna Belknap, and I know some people have some for Eddie and Carmine, and I believe Feenx has one called 'CSI:NY FANS' so, as...

    Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

    Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties I havent seen Glory Days yet, it sucks. I'm searching high and low for it, I've seen caps, and some small vid clips that some friends have, but its not the same. I liked Eddie in Felicity, it was definitley a different role for him, and it...

    Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

    Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties gosh, it took me WAYYYY to long to get into this thread and post again... *Sigh*... I want to be Eddie's girlfriend *whines a girlish/fan girl kinda way* I am in my dreams... and in my alternate universe... ;) I've always loved F*R*I*E*N*D*S...

    Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

    Sweet!! Thanks for making those reservations Mrs. G . I'm so down for having a CSI:NY viewing party... :) And, yeah, meeting up ahead of time and taking one car works for me too, I have a massive truck (seriously, its gi-normous, I've seen bigger( FYI: MY brain just went *ker-plunk* right back...

    Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

    yeah, that was me who mentioned that I got a pair. I'll have to convince myself to wear them out now, I mean the SG show was one thing because, everyone was going to be slutty and the lighting was probably going to be somewhat "dim/low"... but dinner, I dont know, I'll figure something out. So...

    Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

    Jones is good with me... :)

    Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

    ^^ I know, my outfit was growing on me and I bought f*ck me boots (Yes, I caved... I bought some) and now I'm like "WTF?... Now I cant even wear them"... the bedroom - thats the place... the bedroom.. :) I'll eat wherever, whatever you guys want to do is fine with me.

    Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

    That sucks dude... darnit all... I'm so down for dinner though, dinner and hanging out sounds good to me. We're not still dressing like *cough*sluts*cough* are we? :) had to ask it... just so I'm not the only dumba$$ that shows up in a corset and skirt.. :) that, could possibly be embarassing...