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  1. N

    Movie Quote Game

    Isn't it The Mummy? :)
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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Ok my sister called me out right when Eric was being introduced so yay i got to see him! And yes the movie is Little Athens. :)
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    Movies that Traumatized You!

    So, i attempted to watch the last few minutes of Saw the other night. Bah! I don't know why people enjoy this movie. I was pretty sure most of the gorey parts were over, but i still kept my hand in front of my face the whole time. I peeked through my fingers. I'm such a wuss :lol: I didn't...
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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Gah! He was there?! What did he do? I didn't really bother to watch the MMVA's but now i wish i did :lol:
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    Movies that Traumatized You!

    Gah! I remember the one part in A Nightmare On Elm Street when Freddy was walking down a dark street and his arms are really long. That freaked me out. :eek:
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    Movies that Traumatized You!

    I have always hated dolls but the Chucky movies never really bothered me, i found them to be quite funny actually :lol: Friday The 13th really scarred me for life. I love camping but when i'm in a tent at night...i just get so paranoid that a huge machete is going to come through or i'll see a...
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    The Official Pets thread

    Oooh! Do you perhaps have a picture of your rottie? :D I love rotties so much. :D Here are some more pictures of my puppy :) Such A Sleepy Doggy EXTREME Close-Up. Beware! :lol:
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    Movies that Traumatized You!

    Gah! Me too! Nightmare on Elm Street. Whoo, i went through some harsh times after that one. :lol: Another one...IT Oh god, i was so scared of everything after i watched that. I was scared of the shower, and my school locker room, and i swear i couldnt look at the drain when i was washing my...
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    Favorite Bands/Artists

    I'm falling in love with the band The Fray I heard 2 of their songs on episodes of Scrubs, so i ran out and bought the CD. I love them :D These are the songs that were on Scrubs. Listen to them! :) 1. How To Save A Life 2. Over My Head (Cable Car)
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    Last Song Syndrome

    Miss Murder by AFI! :D It's such a great song.
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Why thank you! :) That second one is so sad :(
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Anyone have any Will and Grace icons? :)
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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wojo i love you!!!! :lol: Ok, sorry for that outburst! Yes, that's it! I knew i wasn't going crazy! Ok so i am now dancing around my room in joy. Thank you sooo much!
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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Gah. Why do i remember it so vividly though :confused: I'm so confused! Anyways, thanks for trying! I've never seen this picture before. :D
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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Hm, small request here. Does anyone have the picture of Greg where he is wearing a Misfits t-shirt. I remember he was wearing a jacket overtop but i could see the distinctive Misfits logo, it looked sparkly too. Now, i may be going...
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    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Whoops i meant to respond to this earlier :lol: Sillie just wanted to let you know that you draw amazing pictures. I love when you post new ones :) My favorites are the ones of Nick/Greg kissing and snuggling. Gah they get me everytime. So romantic. :D
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    Last Song Syndrome

    Astro Zombies-The Mifits
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    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    I watched 2 Pauly Shore movies the other night. Man I love Pauly Shore :lol: I watched In The Army Now and Encino Man. I thought they were both good :lol: I love Brendan Fraser too so Encino Man was a grand movie. I also thought Pauly looked cute with a shaved head in In The Army Now. Hee.
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons ^^ Your Zach Braff ones are amazing! :D
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    Last Song Syndrome

    Dare-Gorillaz Awesome song! :D