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  1. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    A little late to reply but thanks so much csi_fanatic87 :D How is the sheep doing? Anything funny happening with it?
  2. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Aww i had to miss Sunday's show. Anything of interest happen? I'm too lazy to go onto the website and read :lol:
  3. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Wow, thats a really good speculation. I would have never thought of it like that. :lol: I can't believe the new HOH. I'm still upset over it :lol:
  4. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    NOOOOOOOOOOO! Why?! Why?! I'm beginning to think this game is rigged :rolleyes: Anyways, discussion about yesturday.... Those faces in the mirror were way too scary! I would have screamed louder then Janelle if that happened to me :lol: That sheep was odd, it's cute how it likes Howie but...
  5. N

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Hee *blushes* Thanks so much! :D
  6. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Is there ever a time when all the Live Feed cameras are turned off, so no one knows what is going to happen?
  7. N

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 I have some new pictures to share. :D My Shoes! Sitting On The Playground :) A Rather Dumb Expression. Lol
  8. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Ohhhh thanks so much! You are so lucky that you get to see all this stuff happen before it airs. :D Lol Will is irritating but he can be pretty funny. I wonder if that Will Farrell movie really is that bad :lol:
  9. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    *jumps up and down* Please tell, please tell!!!! :lol: If you want, you can just PM and we can talk about it :D I am soo jealous that you have the live feed.
  10. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Will and Boogie make me sooo mad. I hate when they do that stupid telephone thing in the Diary Room. Janelle is totally getting played by Will. Why would she even trust him. I definitely can't wait to see James get his sweet revenge. The HOH competition looks interesting. I hope they all went...
  11. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Just have to say...the Wake Up Calls were hilarious. My friend and i were watching it together and we wished we could have sent one in of us screaming :lol: We do that to people alot :lol: Marcellas was hilarious "Two adult women, took time out of their do this" P.S I hate Janelle...
  12. N

    What posters are on your wall?

    I guess it's not really a poster but i bought a Nirvana Flag the other day. Eee! I love it :D
  13. N

    The Official Pets thread

    Awwwwwwwww! I want to hug her! I love bulldogs! :D I love the one of her sitting in the leaves. :)
  14. N

    it really makes me mad when.....

    My mom and sisters complain about how i dress, and how much eyeliner i choose to wear. :rolleyes: People bash Kurt Cobain. Nothing makes me angrier :mad: People park their shopping carts right in the middle of the aisle(sp?) and you can't get your cart past them, and they do nothing. Honestly...
  15. N

    The Official Pets thread

    Here are some more pictures of my bichon Libby :D This is my favorite picture of her :) Pink Bows! :) She looks kind of yucky
  16. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    I'm really glad that having 2 HOH's was just a one time thing. It really annoyed me, i didn't like it. I think being HOH is special and i sure wouldn't want to share that with anyone. :lol:
  17. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Janelle won HOH :eek: I wonder if her HOH room will be pink. :lol: Tonight is the Food Comp right?
  18. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Does he really have to eat slop every day? :eek:
  19. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Ohh Marcellas :lol: He is so hilarious. "Guys, i am like falling in love with Kayasar!" and when he was describing Kaysars smell! :lol: Best moment ever.
  20. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Wow. I was so dissapointed that Nakomis got booted. I was sure Diane was gone. *sigh* Oh well. The slop is an interesting twist. I wonder if it really is that nasty. I can't wait to see Jase GONE, his little hissy fit was so pathetic. :lol: