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  1. N

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe how close i am to 700 posts! :D I can't believe how much fun i had last night with my two best friends. I can't believe we drank all those caffine drinks :lol:
  2. N

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    I danced around my room when i saw that my name got changed. It was a very joyous occasion :D Woooot! No more crappy user name for meeeeee :lol:
  3. N


    I'm 16 and i still go. Psh, theres no such thing as being too old! :lol: Last year for halloween i was Alice Cooper, it was so fun :D
  4. N

    Freaky Attractions in America

    Ohhh that Cinema Wasteland Expo looks awesome! I would love to go there and take pictures with the scary dudes from horror films! :lol: I wish i could go :(
  5. N

    From the Mouth of High School

    Oh the things i heard last year in my Foods 10 class :rolleyes: Girl- Poultry...poultry...*obviously thinking very hard about this* thats right? Same Girl- Okkkkay! I finished putting the ingredients into the blender Teacher- Well bring it to this side of the counter *stupid...
  6. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Ok, so in the end i'm very glad Boogie won. I don't like Erica now. :lol: I change my mind often. I can't believe America gave the money to Janelle!!!! What the hell!?! If she can afford gross blond extensions and have nice clothes, do you REALLY think she needs that money? Where as George and...
  7. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    I agree with you. I'm going to be very suprised if Boogie wins. I have a feeling Danielle + George will vote for Erica too. She will probably be getting all the votes. Down with Mike Boogie!! :lol:
  8. N

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Aw, i love the first picture. :D I'm so jealous of your purple/black striped shirt by the way. I want one! :lol:
  9. N

    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Heres an icon i made a few minutes ago. It makes me laugh :lol: I've never really made icons you can tell... :lol:
  10. N

    Big Brother All-Stars

    Arg. I think Howie is an ass. I hate how he treats people. Poor Chicken George :(. I'm rather disapointed this year, i have been bored watching these past few episodes, i don't want any of the 3 to win. Boogie is a drama queen. He's so stupid. He just throws the competition and sits and pouts...
  11. N


    Haha i saw it. I thought it was corny yet hilarious. :lol:
  12. N

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    It's awkward because they don't know if they should let the team know that they are in love and more then just good friends. :lol: Sorry. I just can't let it go. I lubs me some Nick/Greg romance :lol: I really should try and get more active in this thread. It's fun. :)
  13. N

    Last Song Syndrome

    Ok, so just found out Criss Angel sings :lol: My favorite song of his that i can't stop listening to is: Die For Me-Criss Angel
  14. N

    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread

    Re: The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread I could hardly believe it when my mom came into my room and told me he had died. I used to watch Crocodile Hunter all the time when i had Animal Planet. I hope he didn't suffer. He will be missed :(
  15. N

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Hehe. Thanks :D I made it myself :lol:
  16. N

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    Greg/Nick relationship...*drools* Hm, speaking of which, Wojo in case you didn't know, i'm Nirvana_Child on What Makes the Desert Beautiful. Just so you know its me when i comment on your amazing stories :D :D
  17. N

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Took some pictures today because i wanted to show off my shirt :lol: Woot! I look like a fool. :lol:
  18. N

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Haha, i love the warning you put next to the Little Athens link :lol: *giggles thinking about that scene*
  19. N

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! *lurks in* Omg..Eric and that girl...doing the dirty. Bwahaha! *blushes* That was very unexpected. His face looked hilarious. :lol: ETA: Little Athens sure doesn't look like a movie for the kids to see. :lol:
  20. N

    The Song Guessing Game

    Whooo! Yes! What a great song :D Good job. Your turn :)