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  1. N

    Movie Quote Game # 2

    How did i miss this?! This is only one of the best and funniest movies EVER! :lol: That is Jack Black playing Dewey in School of Rock. Is that all that i need? This movie is amazing. I laugh uncontrollably at this part
  2. N

    Top Earning Dead Celebrities

    I hate the people who claim they loooove Nirvana when the only songs they have listened to have come off the Nevermind album. Pfft. They should experience the greatness of In Utero :) I'm thinking we need to start a Kurt Cobain thread. :D
  3. N

    Top Earning Dead Celebrities

    Thanks!! :D That is very much appreciated :)
  4. N

    Top Earning Dead Celebrities

    Kurt deserves to be number 1. God i love this man. ^^^ What!? :eek: I never watch Miami but that is pretty cool.
  5. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    I was having some fun with my webcam today. Thought i'd share a few pictures. :D *rawr* :) Rock on :D Uh...yeah :lol:
  6. N

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Ohhh that Nick and Greg scene looks good :D I hope they have a nice chat about the things that have happened to Greg. Aww i hope its a cute scene. :) *is excited now* :lol:
  7. N

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe the look the man at Wal-Mart gave me when i asked for a CD by the Shins. It was a look of disgust and then hes like" WE DONT SELL THAT HERE" and i ran away :lol:
  8. N

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    I'm so in love with the "Angry Boyfriend" one! :D Nice work!
  9. N


    I always hated getting those gross candies with the black and orange wrappers. They might have been caramels or something...i have no idea but they were nasty :lol: I always gave them to my dad. I still don't know what i want to be for Halloween! :eek:
  10. N

    The Official Pets thread

    Awww! I wish my dog kept things like that on her head. I tried putting those christmas antlers on her but she just hit them off with her paw :lol: Cute dog calleigh!
  11. N

    Rock/Alternative music

    I love The Shins! I first heard them on the movie Garden State and ran out and bought any album of theirs i could find :lol: My absolute favorite song by them at the moment is 'So Says I'. Listen to them!! :D
  12. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    I was playing around with Photoshop and was changing the colors of my pictures. Here's one i quite enjoyed. I want to dye my hair this color now :lol: Always ready to make an attractive face for the camera...:lol:
  13. N

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    That would be a dream come true. :lol:
  14. N

    13 Unluckiest Musicians

    ^^ Ohh i like how you think :D So very true.
  15. N

    The Rock Romance Quiz

    I got 8 right :D Too bad Mandy Moore and Zach Braff aren't together anymore. I thought they were a cute couple. Mandy was funny on Scrubs when she guest starred :)
  16. N

    13 Unluckiest Musicians

    Awww poor Krist. That was pretty funny though. :lol:
  17. N

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! Whooo! 700 posts! Who knew i would have become so addicted to this site and posted so much. :D *does happy dance* :lol:
  18. N

    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons I was wondering if someone could make me an icon from this picture. It's one of my favorites :) You can add text if you like. Be creative :lol: I will love anything you make from it. :) The Boys of Nirvana
  19. N

    photo manipulation fun

    I love that Nick/Greg manip Wojo! More please! :lol:
  20. N


    Anyone have any idea what they are going to be dressing up as? I have no clue and i need some ideas! :lol: