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  1. N

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    Wow! Thank you so much everyone! I got all giddy when i saw all the posts :lol: It really made my day that much better :)
  2. N

    Let's Talk Video Games

    Ohhh i love it! :D Do you get extra clothing and hairstyles off of the Sims 2 website?
  3. N

    Let's Talk Video Games

    Will you make a Kurt Cobain one? :D That would be awesome!! :lol:
  4. N

    Let's Talk Video Games

    I love my N64! :D My favorite games would have to be Legend of Zelda, Super Mario 64(I still haven't beaten it :lol:)and Mario Kart. I used to have a NES too. Does anyone remember how it was so hard to change between games and blowing on them somehow made them work? :lol: Oh, and getting up...
  5. N

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    ^^^ That is a brilliant idea!! :lol: I will probably fall to the floor and squeal until i can't breathe. :lol:
  6. N

    Rock/Alternative music

    Does anyone read AP(Alternative Press) magazine? I really enjoy it, i love cutting out pictures and making collages on my wall :lol: For anyone who doesn't know, it's a magazine that features different, punk/indie/techno/ska etc. bands. Fall Out Boy is on this month's cover. :)
  7. N

    Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

    Greg and Nick share a scene?! :eek: I must watch the episode sooon. By the way, i just realized i am obsessed with Eric's adams apple. It's very sexy. :lol:
  8. N

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    Wow. LOVE teh Nick/Greg icons. Whew. :D
  9. N

    "Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

    I adore the part where he goes to sit down and he kind of falls back and the sound guy puts the fuzzy thing in his face and you can see him smiling. Aw it was cute and hilarious. :D I <3 Secret Fun Time! :lol:
  10. N

    Vegetarian thread

    I've put some serious thought into it for sure. I adore PETA and everything they stand for. I'm not much of a meat eater as it is (and milk disgusts me) I think i'm going to check out the website again, i really need to find some recipes to help get me started. Any words of wisdom for me? :lol:
  11. N

    "Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

    O..M..G. That could quite possibly be the funniest thing i have EVER seen. It's so utterly random. I nearly died at the end when he turned into an eagle. :lol: :lol:
  12. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    I got a digital camera for Christmas! I'm going to be in here so much now. :lol: My love <3 I call this my wall of awesomness. Awesome magnents i got with my CSI calender Its doesnt. XD Not sure why i look so sad... :lol: All done. :D
  13. N

    List of songs deemed inappropriate following 9/11.

    Reading through this list made me laugh uncontrollably. :lol:
  14. N

    Stephen King movies/books

    I really love the movie, The Shining. I've never read the book though. I have also seen Carrie, and IT. I'm currently in the middle of reading IT but its freaking me out! :lol:
  15. N

    Movie parodies

    One of my favorites is Hot Shots with Charlie Sheen :lol: Always makes me laugh.
  16. N

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    LOL!!! I almost fell out of my chair. Awesome Wojo :lol: :D
  17. N

    The Official Pets thread

    Aww, you should post some pictures of your rats :D
  18. N


    It's offically the Christmas season! I just finished watching The Nightmare Before Christmas :lol: I adore Christmas. I love the crowded malls, and searching for that perfect gift for someone else. :D My family is decorating the tree tomorrow. We finally got a real christmas tree this year! :)
  19. N

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    :D! Oh god i love it Wojo! I adore your Nick/Greg manips, they make my day so much better :lol:
  20. N

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Yay more pictures :D I hope everyone isn't annoyed of seeing my pictures all the time :lol: Picture from Halloween Can't live without these. Fellow Canadians should agree. :lol: Found this random picture of me as a wee child. Hehe Well..there i am. :)