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  1. N

    Confessions Thread #2

    Confession: I hate my username. Blech, it's so horrible :lol: From now on, if any of you ever respond to one of my posts please feel free to call me Jenny :D
  2. N

    Worst Movies Ever

    Well i wouldn't say it is the worst movie ever but Scary Movie 4 was horrible. I was expecting something great. The only really funny part was the beginning with Shaq and Dr. Phil :lol: Scary Movie 1 and 2 were just plain gross I didn't enjoy them at all. Now Scary Movie 3, that was a fabulous...
  3. N

    Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

    Oh please don't get me started on the annoying Canadian Tire man! Haha he got fired though, that helps me sleep at night. :lol:
  4. N

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    Gah :eek: *Is in love* I adore your drawings!!! I could stare at that all day, too bad it isn't real ;) *Runs off to read random naughty Nick/Greg fan fics* :lol:
  5. N

    Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

    I love the Travelocity Gnome!!! :eek: That "Am i going to die?" commercial gets me everytime! :lol:
  6. N

    Draw A CSI Anyone?

    I <3 Sillie's Nick and Greg drawings. Gah they are so hot. Mmm Nick and Greg :) :lol:
  7. N

    Last Song Syndrome

    ^^!!!! :D Nirvana-Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
  8. N


    Thanks for the reply anyways abc :D
  9. N

    Recent Purchases

    I bought 3 CD's at Wal-Mart for $24! :D Nirvana-In Utero Our Lady Peace-Gravity System Of A Down-Toxicity
  10. N

    Last Song Syndrome

    Tiny Dancer-Elton John I am in love with this song, it's so beautiful :)
  11. N

    Fashion (or Lack Thereof)

    ^^ Or you can just scrape your knees on the pavement a few times :lol: It works! And it looks quite authentic i might add ;)
  12. N

    Last Song Syndrome

    Welcome To My Nightmare-Alice Cooper :lol:
  13. N

    Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

    Here is a picture i just had to post. The random guy beside Nick makes me laugh. His face is hilarious! Wahhh??
  14. N

    "Spellbound" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    One question: Why wasn't Greg wearing gloves when he was fingerprinting the register and the hood of the car? (Or maybe he was and i didnt see it :confused:) I don't know why this irritated me so much, but it does :lol:
  15. N

    Fashion (or Lack Thereof)

    Gah! I hate brand name clothing :p (except Old Navy.Hee) Band t-shirts rock my world :D I have: -4 Nirvana shirts -1 Kurt Cobain shirt -1 Alice Cooper shirt -1 Rise Against -2 NOFX shirt :D I am also in love with Old Navy capri pants :D
  16. N

    I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

    Re: hey whats that episode... I think he liked the fact that it had a light built inside of it :lol:
  17. N

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    Yesh can you actually :) Click My Home and scroll down until you can see your avatar, and beside it you will see the option Display preferences, number of shown topics, languages, colors... click Edit, and scroll down and you will see a thing to change your time :) Hope that helped.
  18. N

    What shows did you like as a kid?

    Haha..Craig Bean :lol: I wish that show was still on :( :eek: I loved Breaker High!!! Oh how i loved YTV shows :)
  19. N

    What shows did you like as a kid?

    I loved watching Pepper Ann. :lol: Has anyone ever seen it? It was my favorite! :)
  20. N

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    Yay! Scrubs is on tonight :D