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  1. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Ah...I say that there is a HUGE problem between Lori and Scott. It's like they're talking two different languages- which naturally speaks to the fact that they aren't really communicating with each other. For Lori, I would suggest to lay off the extreme: he's going to respond better when not...
  2. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Oh aww... Poor Tom, he's blaming himself for something he had no control over. There was nothing he could do to stop that lunatic Amy, but I can still understand the need to flog himself over it. I just hope he doesn't do something...FOOLISH like decide to ahem drown or cover himself in...
  3. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    YES! Finally, Tom's cleared:D As I knew he would be. Tom's not one to go about kidnapping kids- especially one he loves as much as Stephie. It's just not him. Even though Speed apologized, I just think that things will be strained between them for a while. :guffaw: Anni and Lori...well...
  4. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Everyone's got their work cut out for them. It's going to be a hard sell if they can't connect Amy to this. But, me being the ever optimist (Starting today), I think there's light at the end of the tunnel. I'm sure things are going to be sore between Lori and Tom, and well, Steph probably will...
  5. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    None of this looks great for Tom. Matter of fact, it all looks circumstantial on his part at best. The one true thing they are looking for is evidence, and so far, it's pointing to him. very sad. And even if he is exonnerated, I do believe that he's just become the town pirah...except...
  6. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I''m going to keep it as positive as I can, because ...well, simply this is havoc on my nerves. It only takes one fall for an addict to take before he does the swan dive, and this is the type of fall that could very well do it for Tom. Not only has he abducted Stephie ( killing any future...
  7. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    WHAT THE OO.... Like I need more stress??? What.... Everything else is... meaningless. What the hell is going on???? (I know the extra question marks don't lend much creedence, but still...) Who the hell is that??? *Sigh* Tom can get himself into the most mess... Awesome, now I'm anxious to...
  8. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Good. I wasn't wrong. See, I thought that it was the late hour that had me mistaken about the conclusion of this- but it isn't. Katie's being harsh- first of all, SHE'S responsible for the choices that she's made. True, he was horrible to her, but he's since turned around and he's tried to do...
  9. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Complete. And utter. HILARITY! OMG...I couldn't stop laughing. Certianly hands down, the best yet:guffaw: I love it when Donhinkle comes around- she always makes things so...interesting:D From one end of the insanity spectrum to the next, she's got every bit of it covered... LOL, I love how...
  10. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Well, Jagger is in...trouble. I suppose that Scott's previous experience in this matter makes any difference- it seems that Jagger's hell bent on destroying his life. Knowing Scotty, he's not going to let that happen. I hope that Jagger gets some help and soon. Fredrick- Continuous...
  11. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Aw...Poor Anni. It's nice to see that Tom can take up the slack when need be. He's so nuturing...WHAT a change that's become:guffaw: Wtf...I thought Scott was trying to save his marriage, WHY isn't he talking? Nothing will be solved if he doesn't talk! At least Lori's trying... Something...
  12. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    As much as I wanted these two to bond- I severely hope they don't do it again. Two things have emerged from this : 1) I think Tom will forever and always be a Tom- Cat. It's amazing that he is still faithful to Anni with all the proclivities that he's exhibited. According to him, however...
  13. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    OO Divorce.... I'll get to that in a second... FIRST Fredrick has a pair, doesn't he? I love how Bob was indifferent toward him and how calm he remained when Fredrick all but demeaned him. I love Bob so much, he's just so...Awesome! However, Fredrick might want to tone it down some...
  14. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    :eek: Flash! Speed tat? I'm so jealous...:shifty: Jk...I can't wait to see it. RT: I love... LOVE the bullpen at APL. This is going to be just smashtastic! I can't wait for more interaction. Ahem. A little memo for Dominick: Watch your tongue, lest your mother cut it out while you...
  15. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL...Tom post experiment is just full of the sharp quips for Lori. I guess this changes their dynamic. Speaking of dynamics... OO Scott's got the slip tongue when it comes to Lori. At least he did say that he loved her. That's a plus, I mean, it's not, "I hate your guts, why don't you go and...
  16. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    What can I say? You are so very awesome at throwing new plots at us, this is simply awesome. There was nothing lame about this. I love that the experiment is over and things are as they are supposed to be. Sadly, Matt is gone, but what is this??? Henry went and * in the essence of remaining...
  17. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    He's spent the entire morning going through why they shouldn't work- but when it all comes down to it, Scott loves Lori. It's engrained within him, he's going to deal with it for the rest of his life. more expermients:D. Everyone's with who they're supposed to be with they all need to...
  18. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    It's nice to put a human face to Katie. When it all comes down to it, she's just ...afraid. I can understand how this makes her afraid- to have endured what she's endured and then for him to offer up sobriety, even though that doesn't erase what's in the past... * Sigh*...what was that? A thump...
  19. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13 think I distinctly stated that this was a BAD idea. Scott tells Anni that they were stupid to get involved...Tom and Lori are sparing...And the conclusion of this... Is up in the air... Nerve wracking to say the least... I mean, I want everyone to be happy, but if that means that...
  20. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Boy with that Tom, it's like oil and water. He was all for it until what, he decided that Anni might be getting more out of this? Or was it the fact that there's to be no sex in this? Could that have been the determining factor? He's acting childish and bull headed. He asked for it, now he...