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  1. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL...I have to say...Dommy :guffaw: he's giving his mom and dad a run for their money. I hate to see what's coming up for him. God help Scotty and Lori when he's a teenager...YIKES. -_- Katie and ...Tom. I'm trying to understand the need for Tom to seek out a friendship with someone he KNOWS...
  2. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL... well, that was interesting:D. I'm sure that this is very theraputic for Tom,and he'll find himself through his new best friend. I'm happy for him...truly. LOL...I'm trying here... Awesome update:D
  3. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    OO Tom's kinda reverting a bit. Talk about midlife crisis in full mode. I suppose the chat with Anni did nothing to assure him of anything...Oh well, Tom's a big boy, he'll find his way- or he'll do something destructive and screw his life up. Either one, is his choice... I can admit, I'm not...
  4. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Poor Tom, he's so discontent at how his life has turned out, despite having a loving wife and a beautiful kid, he feels as if he's missing out on something. I can understand that; he's been used to a certain type of life for so long, it's second nature and now that he's getting older and things...
  5. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I see that Tom has a problem. It seems to stem from Scotty, or talk about Scotty. Who can blame Lori- for once in their lives, things are good, really good. I'd go on and on about the good things too. Tom just needs a bit of reassurance that he's just as good as Scotty* and I happen to think he...
  6. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Poor Ethan. He's confused, and angry- two things that don't necessarily go together. I find it interesting that he feels as if he can't talk to his father about this- he's essentially been in the same shoes before. I hope things get sorted out for him... It's nice that Lori and Scotty are on...
  7. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    ^___^ Imagine my surprise....Board games, tucking the children in, alone time *RAWR*. Did I just walk into a dream? Scotty and Lori having a.. *GASP* normal night? Topped off with sex? Oh the world coming to an end tonight??? LOL, I jest, but it's is awesome to see that they can have a...
  8. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Oh aww...Poor Katie. She misread the signals. As hilarious it was to see her go full tilt with the yoga, it was sad for her to have gone so far only for Tom to rebuff her. I think Katie really needs a true friend (although I thought that Anni had been that once upon a time ago), one who will get...
  9. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    You know, I kinda like the idea of them being friends. It's far less destructive than being married that's for sure. I think if they can ease into being a friends with benefits thing, they may have something going:). They definitely flow better in this dynamic. Perhaps, it's the way they're...
  10. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    *licks lips* Now...any other time, I would state how deplorable violence is, but at the moment, I'm just into the fact that two hot guys were tussling around in the office. LOL on Bob though. I so love him- he's awesome if not fair. I like how he's trying to be there for Scotty...because...
  11. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL... I knew it was going to happen at some point. Scotty was going to walk in on them and BAM...someone's ass was going to get kicked. Sadly, not the fight that I was expecting (Cause seriously, Jagger and Scott duking it out...RAWR). But Lori and Scotty was just...awesome. Lori, hands down...
  12. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I never thought that Lori would be so...easy. Seriously, she should know not to get involved with Jagger again. It's just screaming PROBLEM. *Sigh* Alas, she never did know how to back away from those. And just when she was running her life the right way. I hope nothing bad happens to...
  13. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Yes, this is sad,'s even heartbreaking. I'll give you that. But Katie has the power to change this. She just doesn't want to. I don't think it's ever been so much about the money as it has been about Katie's perception of her depreciating value. She just doesn't give a damn. In order to...
  14. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I've come to the decision that Katie's a special person- a special person who needs to be looked after ALL day long, every day. What in the hell...she's engaging in prostitution and she doesn't think that's wrong? What the hell did she become a CSI for? For kicks? I'm sorry if I'm being an ass...
  15. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    OO...Jagger is such a jag off.. I mean, sure he has a problem, but did he have to exacerbate it by being a jackass? I'm glad Lori saw it coming and stood her ground. She's more of an adult than she thought:D I loved the last scene between Lori and Scott. These two should DEFINITELY get back...
  16. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    It was big of Scott to come clean about what happened to him, some men think it's shameful, he just needed to get it out. Poor Scott's been through the ringer- he can't catch a break and what's more, his wife's moved on. *Sigh* I feel so bad for him. At this point, I'll settle for him finding...
  17. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL..Jagger's wearing his luckiness on his sleeve. I believe that Jagger and Lori * even though highly volitile* could get into some fun. It remains to be seen how far this one goes. -_- April....Is it sad that I want to see bodily harm done to her? I'm a firm believer that people don't learn...
  18. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL... Well, Lori's on to newer things. I think that this is going to be an interesting turn of events. As bad as this seems to get involved in, I'm thinking that this can be adventageous for both Jagger and Lori....OR it can go down in flames, and Lori starts using again, therefore ruining her...
  19. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Hm... I think it's a great idea that Lori and Scott go through a trial seperation. I don't know if that's going to lead to a real breakup, but they need some serious time apart. Scott needs to assess why he's not in love with her, and he needs to find that out all by himself:). I hope that...
  20. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I'm glad that Lori's going to friends to get some advice instead of batting at it in the dark. I think if she can open the lines of communication, things will be better.Very sound advice given by the Greys, hmmm...they must be good friends to have:D Ps on this note, Scotty's feeling the pain...