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  1. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I'm sure it's going to come to light that Lori is a very functional mother, and taking the kids is very unnecessary. As for Katie,...She wants everyone as miserable as she is, and will stoop to any level to make that happen. I don't buy, not for one minute, that she did that to protect Dominick...
  2. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I wonder who called Child protective services? Granted, Dominick is a bit out there, but they are taking precautions. Since everyone is on the up and up, nothing should come out of this...If... LOL I think it's adorable that Tom is a bit jealous over Speed's interaction with Brook. It shows...
  3. Anni Grey

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    At the risk of offending anyone, I'm going to just keep it short and sweet. In my opinion,the addition of Jesse to the cast ( along with Walter, for that matter) livened up the entire dynamic. Can anyone go back to the first few episodes where Jesse was introduced and reference the semblance...
  4. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    HAHAHHAHAH...I haven't laughed this hard in God knows when... Talk about a blast from the past. Both mustard and toy dinosaurs made it in. I'm still holding my side about it all. Tom has no idea. Funny how he just jumped right on in there though. Talks of Kingdoms and Antichrists...*Sigh* Hello...
  5. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Awkward....huh? And all of this in the name of being best Seriously, if she's like heroin, why keep subjecting yourself to it, Tom? Tempting yourself isn't the best way of getting over something....ah well. I chalk it up to him being a man and just not knowing better... It's good...
  6. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    You know, Tom is actually a great babysitter. I love the interaction betwen him and the kids. It's priceless to see a former addict realize the gifts that life could bring. It's friggin awesome. Boy, this was an update full of confessions. First, Anni who confessed to a kiss that led to...
  7. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I hate to say this about Anni and Speed...two of my FAVE characters here, but they are dense. Of course Katie did it on purpose. She just told you straight up she hated her life. That plus alcohol equals famously stupid stunts like taking a header off of the balcony. Sheeh, guys, get a clue. I...
  8. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    It's good that Lori and Scott get away, they deserve it. Sad that Bob's marriage is over. Poor Bob, he deserves happiness. Fredrick can go somewhere- he's annoying, lol. And I know Lori isn't going to let solitude and a very roomy house go to waste. That's not the Lori that everyone...
  9. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Poor Tom. I sure hope this doesn't run him into the ground. He did what he had to do, he helped her as much as he could, he couldn't hold her hand. Katie made that decision on her own, maybe now she'll take responsibility for it. Lori knows that even though he tries to avoid giving in, he...
  10. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Well, what started as a nice cup of coffee ends up in a tiff. A tiff that is going to bring some serious pain. I think in this state, Anni's going to spill to Tom , that leads to something of a confrontation and some serious posturing. I can't wait:D I know it's ugly to provoke violence, but...
  11. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Hmm....seems as if Anni didn't heed to my memo. I'll wait until she does something stupid to issue another one. For the moment, she seems to be enjoying the thrill of being young again so I'm going to leave her alone. I believe that Tom suspects something, he's enlightened, not dumb. I believe...
  12. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Oh awww... Tayla and Dom...young love. It's cute. Dom's totally not in to her. She's a speck on his grill as far as he 's concerned. It's still cute though., it seems that Anni needs a memo: Memo To Anni: At first blush, the coffee invite seems harmless. SEEMS harmless. But as...
  13. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I Love Doris to bits! She's so awesome, and she's got her life back after that soul draining marriage to ass of the week, Henry. I love the vitality and the freedom she exudes. She's really awesome, I know I said it already, but it's true:D It will be lovely to have her around some. YAY TOM...
  14. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I promise,...if they don't stop helping Katie...UGH...I'm not being mean, but she's never going to learn. She takes everyone's help and tramples over it and gets into deeper ka-ka ...leading to EVERYONE HELPING HER AGAIN. This chick needs to hit rock bottom...a Real rock bottom and finally...
  15. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Yes... highly productive indeed. That's exactly what rehab is for... insane banter about being a whiney bitch and jumping men who are the same age as your daughter. That's exactly what you needed to figure out , hey, I do have a problem. Apparently, she hasn't hit that rock bottom yet. I can't...
  16. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Lori needs to face it. Happiness is attainable. Lori deserves it, Scott deserves it, hell, even Katie and her warped senses deserves it. I just wish Lori could stop trying to sabotage the greatness that her life has become. It's good...revel in it. Katie's binge drinking...I believe is a...
  17. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    ah HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! OMG...this entire trip is well, a trip :guffaw: Tom and Scott had a chance to solidify a friendship that apparently Tom didn't know he had. I have a feeling that Tom still is a bit touchy about the way things have panned out for him, but I won't go there. Taking Tom to get a...
  18. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    How awesome is this? Scotty and Lori getting along...DOM still sleeping and not wreaking havoc... Anni divulging information... Anni and Speed FLIRTING:guffaw: all the things that just made my night that much more awesome:D Loved everything,...EVERYTHING! Awesome update
  19. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Oookay. Is there any doubt as to why Dom has issues now? That conversation alone has me worried for the only sane person in that house...and that would be Stephie. Seriously, they are arguing the merits of stabbing versus gutting. Clearly... CLEARLY there are some issues there. It's good that...
  20. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    As bad as I do not like Katie and her ways of..interacting with others, I hate to see her devestated. She's put so much into her feelings for Tom, now she has nothing. I believe hitting rock bottom would be the thing to bring her out of this alive. I think she can make it... Tom and...