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  1. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Wow...Scott comes home to..Devil Child? There's some serious issues going on with Dominick. I think it's time to get to the bottom of it before he does some serious damage to someone. I mean, he already thrashed poor Steph's doll house...what's next? On a side note... Lori really could do with...
  2. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Now see...that's great. That's understanding and love. I'm glad that both are able to see where things went awry and how they can get back online with each other. it's nice that Lori and Scott are spending quality time with family and each other. And FINALLY Tom and Anni had the talk. I think...
  3. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Dominick...:guffaw: He's gotten to Horatio. It takes a lot to get to Horatio. Congrats, Dom. Congrats. Poor Anni's on the road to ruin. She's fallen in love with Scotty * let's face it, we all know how easy that is* Now she has to deal with the ramifications. I wonder how this is going to play...
  4. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    LOL... Horatio and Dominick. First...I have to tell you how INSPIRED that truly is:guffaw: I could just picture H and Dom just running all over that place. I'm sure Speed and Katie * when they get home* will be :wtf:. Katie will call Dom demon spawn and Speed will glare. A fitting ending to a...
  5. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I love how deep Tom and Lori's relationship really is. I mean, she's telling him about Scott and Anni's affair, and he's * assumingly* unaffected by it and she's going gonzo in trying to figure him out. I love that they can get so tangled into each other until they find the solution to their...
  6. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    :guffaw: OMG... TOM! Leave it up to Tom to figure out how to get these two talking! It's inspired, really...Trap them in a box and leave them to their wits. I'm glad that the air is somewhat cleared and that they at least showed that there is hope. Now... the issue of Anni and Scott...:)...
  7. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    First...I have to say, Dom and Tayla are really cute. Dom's a bit of a meany, but I'm sure that will pass...>One day. It's just so cute to see the kids interacting. I have to say, Tom did give it the ol' college try and his intentions were good, I just don't think that Lori's quite ready. I...
  8. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: O. M.G....that was hilarious! Just when the sh**t might hit the fan, it's foiled because of a phone call. I find it equally funny that Tom's like...meh...done that. Seriously... I like the relationship that Tom has with Steph, she needs someone to talk to, Lori's...
  9. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I just want everyone to be happy- sadly, it looks as if Scotty's got a problem with trying to find just the right one. Here's a novel idea, check out Miami, she's down there, waiting for him...* sigh* At least he's starting to get a sense of humor about it all. And conspiracy girl... Someone...
  10. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    YIKES Scotty! I'm fairly certain that Scott's not going to be happy with Anni when he gets back. Sheesh, she made me want to slap the hell out her for being so rude! Hint for all you folks out there *guy folks* the MAJORITY of women are not like that. In the least bit. Poor Lori, she's always...
  11. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you take care of a punk ass boyfriend. Kudos to Lori for standing tall in the face of his obvious ignorance. If this isn't enough to show her that Scotty's the way, then I don't know what is. I guess it's just a matter of them finding each other again. I...
  12. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Oh aww...Lori's dating. Excuse me while I make three year old faces. There's going to be no one for Lori but Scott- she should go ahead and face that fact. Poor Scotty- he's not going to recognize that Lori's moving on, bc he's already faced the fact. It's just only a matter of time. Gotta love...
  13. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    What, has Speed become a busy body now? I like that he's concerned, and that he wants everyone happy, but this is getting to be a tad bit ridiculous. In certain words, he was telling on Scotty* I know, telling is such a two year old word, but in's what he's doing*. I just hope that...
  14. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Speed just had to go and mess everything up! To be fair, he's right though, Scotty loves Lori, this is merely an impasse. Poor Anni's always going to be the preverbial third wheel. Maybe this has taught her something, maybe not. But I'm glad she got to have fun while it lasted. At least she...
  15. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Ohh ...CASES! I haven't seen many of these in a while:guffaw: . That's awesome, I'm so ready and already intrigued. And LOL...Tom and Speed on the same shift...This is going to be LOADS of fun! Awesome update:)
  16. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    Maybe because he can't make up his mind perhaps? * oops, I'll return back to the land of RT* I'm glad things worked out , somewhat. Scott's going to hopefully get the help he needs- I think that Anni being there is a positive step too. I just hope that Scott can find some semblance of peace...
  17. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    OO....OMFG...SCOTT.... SPEED! OMG... Just....OMG.... what the...I can't believe this is happening. Poor Scott...Poor Tayla,...and Brook... Just poor everyone. It's just crazy. I...I'm speechless...GAH! I need more...STAT! Awesome two updates:guffaw:
  18. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    o_o * eye tick* W.T...F is wrong with Tom? Did he snort something before he went on scene, my god, he acted as if he was on SOMETHING. And when the hell did he turn five? And...why in the world cant someone stand up to him and tell him to go home to his wife? Why must he interject himself into...
  19. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    I didn'tt hink that Matt would be the one to do something as stupid as this. I think that someone should seriously take care of the Tia problem...Seriously. I love that Lori's question went unanswered...Drama, drama and more drama:guffaw: Awesome update!
  20. Anni Grey

    CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

    OMFG.... Matt's the dumbass who got caught up in Tia's scheme. I would have NEVER pegged him, but good lord, Scotty's not going to trust anyone in his life anymore! I'm hoping that they get to her before something bad happens...I severely hope that Lori survives...ARGHHHH I just...